Sorry maybe I missused my wording, I am not angry at all, I am happy someone is using my widget ?? just thought you had modded it and broke it.
The display on your page includes the picture of the company just before the company name.
Nowhere in my code I added that.
My code:
<h2><a href="<? echo $response->url; ?>" title="<? echo $response->url; ?>" ><? echo $response->name; ?></a></h2>
<i title="<? echo $response->rating; ?> star rating">
<img style="vertical-align:middle" alt="<? echo $response->rating; ?> star rating" src="<? echo $response->rating_img_url; ?>">
<? echo $response->review_count; ?> reviews
I just looked at the source of your page and noticed this image source
Wich indicates (if you haven’t modded it) you are complaining about the wrong widget. what shows in your page is yelp-widget-pro
Try revising your page and make sure you activated this plugin because you haven’t
Here is the piece of code from “yelp widget pro” that produces what you have on the page
<div class="biz-img-wrap"><img class="picture" src="<?php if (!empty($businesses[$x]->image_url)) {
echo esc_attr($businesses[$x]->image_url);
} else {
echo YELP_WIDGET_PRO_URL . '/includes/images/blank-biz.png';
}; ?>"
//Set profile image size
switch ($profileImgSize) {
case '40x40':
echo "width='40' height='40'";
case '60x60':
echo "width='60' height='60'";
case '80x80':
echo "width='80' height='80'";
case '100x100':
echo "width='100' height='100'";
echo "width='60' height='60'";
} ?> /></div>
Sorry you have the wrong widget