Not showing wpt_events / nor in the source
Hello, I would like to ask if there is registered some bug/error with the new version of WP..I had everything working fine till maybe the update od WP version, but dont exactly know…today when I was looking for my events which I added before about 14 the day I made the event everythink worked fine, but today the events ar not showing…
Have I to do somethink special? here is my shortcode which I have in the PHP code…I did not any change or something in your theatre plugin…can you help me please? I tried also to remove the upcomming, past, cat and limit, but nothing changes, the source and HTML on frontend is still empty…
Thank you and kind regards, Petr<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wpt_events upcoming="true" past="false" cat="6" limit="1"]<div class="eventLeft"><div class="eventDate"><span>od</span>{{startdate}}<span>do</span>{{enddate}}</div><h3>{{title|permalink}}</h3><div class="eventAutor">{{location}}</div><div class="eventExc">{{excerpt}}</div></div><div class="eventRight">{{thumbnail|permalink}}</div>[/wpt_events]' );?>
P.S: can give you any login / ftp access for help..
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