• Several weeks ago, WordPress was highly recommended to me by a number of Internet mentors. I downloaded, asked for install4free, was refused and tried to install myself.
    Big surprise – it didn’t work. The Install4free guy suggested that I post here. I did, twice.
    It’s now almost three weeks later and still no help, no answers, just BS.

    Thanks Folks – with support like this, can anyone tell me why I would WANT to continue to try working with this product?
    Better still, can anyone direct me to a program that works?

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  • Thread Starter Billk


    Miklb THanks so much, and yes, that’s one of the first things that I researched on Gate. Actually tried it a couple of different ways but came back to that. Still got the same error message.

    Thank yhou so much for the suggestion though.

    Thread Starter Billk


    Just checked again, The line still in my config file is mysql.kovachcommunications.com

    I’m confused now. Your previous post you say “nor did I alter the DB_Host” line. However that is where the change would be made.

    [edit] I see you’ve posted back about it.

    Thread Starter Billk


    Miklb – If you’d like, I can probably reconstruct a complete time line on the issue, from starting work the beginning of December, to date.
    I started out leaving it, modified it, restored it, and changed it yet again.
    I can’t help but believe that if someone qualified looked at the config file, the problem would probably be solved.

    perhaps you simply need to add https://

    Thread Starter Billk


    Candidly, thought never occurred to me. It’s the simple things, right? LOL

    I’ll reload and let you know. Thanks so much

    Okay just purchased a UNIX hosting account at gate.com. It doesn’t look like a Windows account supports MySQL at gate.com.

    Assume domain is called mydomain.com
    Assume username is michaelh and the password gate.com assigned my username is ABCabc123cba

    Here’s my wp-config.php settings:

    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘michaelh’);
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘michaelh’);
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘ABCabc123cba’);
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘mysql.mydomain.com’);

    WordPress 2.0.5 works perfectly!

    Other notes:
    Had to activate the MySQL, and upon activation, the database was automatically created and the database name and database user was assigned by gate.com. I could change the password for the MySQL database, but as initially created, it used my username login password.

    *vkaryl hopes “someone” (like matt?) will repay MichaelH for the amount he has expended here in purchasing a UNIX hosting account at Gates for testing*

    Thread Starter Billk


    MichaelH – OK – I am going to reload later this evening and I certainly appreciate all the great help.

    Michael – I have no idea what the issue may be now. My settings are virtually identical, changed frequently, changed back and finalized as identical. Didn’t have the http prefix to define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘mysql.mydomain.com’); being the only difference.
    I would imagine that being the major issue.

    I’ll let you know of the success as soon as I reinstall.

    Hey that’s very nice vkaryl, but not necessary. It was just the $10.00 that I won by betting against the PACKERS and it gave me a chance to check out gate.com.

    HEY! I’ll have you know the Pack won the last couple games. :-p

    Oh HEY! You won on them too! Cool….

    BillK — make sure you have a UNIX account. If so go change your MySQL database password to a KNOWN value and put that in your wp-config.php file.

    1. You don’t need https:// for the DB server/host.
    2. Now I am getting a bit skeptical: the contact form on your existing website has never been set up properly (though it looks nice) – it’s there but doesn’t send email. At least not when I tried to contact you 10 minutes ago.
    Now, if everything is set up like that… hmmm.
    3. We’ll not give up until it’s installed ??

    Otto42 — Thanks for the tip but the argument that “the bug is in FastCGI” was made the first time I installed version 2.0.5 and I found it had no validity. There IS an incompatibility between FastCGI and WP 2.0.5, just as there are differences between MSIE, Firefox and W3C standards. In MSIE’s case people call the differences “bugs” when in fact almost all of the oddities are “choices” made by Microsoft.

    miklb — You say I’m wrong in saying that 2.0.5 doesn’t install cleanly. Oh really? Remember what started this thread in the first place? And BTW, I have seven clients on seven different servers that 2.0.5 wouldn’t install on without hacking the code or installing the plugin.

    But most importantly: I have made it abundantly clear for a long time that your efforts and the efforts of all WP volunteers are greatly appreciated and I stick up for you folks all the time. Even considering the postings here, WP is still the best-supported GPL-GNU project on the Net. I just have an issue with free insults being added to the mix.

    As for the bug that isn’t a bug: I really don’t care whether you buy my view of the problem or whether everybody slaps me down and insist that the problem REALLY is with FastCGI. The only thing I care about is that all of your good work and the work of the others that create such terrific results not be tarnished by such a silly, miniscule problem. What matters is that the oddity be corrected in such a way that users don’t have to come to the forum just to get it up and running.

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