Not sure if I'm doing it right
thank you for this excellent plugin, as it seems to be able so solve my problem.
But I’m not sure I’M doing it right. I’m running that site for Canyoning Events in Germany and the first foto under the slider is this one:
`??<img class=” wp-image-6253 size-full aligncenter” src=”” srcset=”×164.jpg 300w, 476w” alt=”” sizes=”(max-width: 476px) 100vw, 476px” height=”260″ width=”476″>
Now it seems I did it right because I’m seeing the “srcset…”, correct?
But Google page speed is still heavily complaining about that foto being too big and it’s the case with many more images as well.
What am I doing wrong? I’d be so grateful if you could help me!
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