Info for all. As Yoseihana wrote, I had the same problem. When you play with this beautiful plugin AT LOCAL COMPUTER – it means you prepare your WordPress NOT ONLINE on the real hosting, but at home, running on your PC with PHP server localy instaled (XAMPP, WAMPP), then be aware of that:
- the plugin is downloadable and completly working
- it is connected with a paired Issuu account properly
- it sends PDFs to Issuu and reads their Names there, so you CAN choose and assign that PDFs into the post
- BUT the transfer PDFs from PC to Issuu ends with an error and PDF IS NOT uploaded correctly on Issuu – PDFs are there, but corrupted! So that they cannot be shown in your post and Issuu player in the post says, they are missing!
- YOU MUST be online with your WordPress installation and also NOT have it secured with a password (because of editing a private post, for example)
- Then the plugin works
Displaying PDF instead of images is much slower due to getting a delay from Issuu, so I recommend that only as an extension, not suitable for a primar and fast displaying – as a portfolio
Overall, it is an fantastic option to offer your readers to flip through the paginated PDF brochures. Thanks to the autor.