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  • Hi,

    I’ve got the same problem. I’ve check the button to auto upload PDF in my ISSUU library.
    But when I do that, it’s not working, I’ve got that message on my ISSUU account:

    Conversion failed
    We weren’t able to convert the uploaded file.
    Try reading this guide, or upload the file again.
    Upload again

    And of course, it’s not displaying on my web page…

    I’ve the last version of the plugin (3.4.2) and the last version of WP (3.6).

    Thank for your time and help!


    I’ve solved the problem… If you work on a website with a password security to view it, ISSUU can’t access to the website and sync the PDF in his account…

    Sorry for that –”

    Info for all. As Yoseihana wrote, I had the same problem. When you play with this beautiful plugin AT LOCAL COMPUTER – it means you prepare your WordPress NOT ONLINE on the real hosting, but at home, running on your PC with PHP server localy instaled (XAMPP, WAMPP), then be aware of that:

    1. the plugin is downloadable and completly working
    2. it is connected with a paired Issuu account properly
    3. it sends PDFs to Issuu and reads their Names there, so you CAN choose and assign that PDFs into the post
    4. BUT the transfer PDFs from PC to Issuu ends with an error and PDF IS NOT uploaded correctly on Issuu – PDFs are there, but corrupted! So that they cannot be shown in your post and Issuu player in the post says, they are missing!
    5. YOU MUST be online with your WordPress installation and also NOT have it secured with a password (because of editing a private post, for example)
    6. Then the plugin works

    Displaying PDF instead of images is much slower due to getting a delay from Issuu, so I recommend that only as an extension, not suitable for a primar and fast displaying – as a portfolio

    Overall, it is an fantastic option to offer your readers to flip through the paginated PDF brochures. Thanks to the autor.

    Thanks to astranda for the useful post. However, I cannot get ISSU PDF Sync to work on a live non passworded wordpress website!

    It does not load the PDF to ISSU, it fails at that point, but just says the file has failed to load. No other error messages?

    I am on wordpress 3.3.1 with issuu pdf sync and I dont have any files in the drop down. Should I upload the PDF first in any library?

    I’m also having trouble getting the plugin to sync with issue, I have uploaded the PDF to issue, added the api key, but there is nothing in the dropdown box when I try to add it to a post page.

    Same problem !

    I have uploaded the PDF to issue, added the api key, but there is nothing in the dropdown box when I try to add it to a post page.

    please help !

    Same problem!

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