• Resolved Dyers2


    I’ve been trying to use this plugin for a week or 2, but am having some trouble.

    Fist, I can’t seem to make myself (or an alt) both a wholesale customer, and an admin. Is this possible?

    Second, I’m not getting the sort of price reporting I’m looking for on the product pages when logged into a wholesale account. For example, this displays correctly the wholesale price of the item. These are the options I have selected. It’s not reporting retail price, nor savings. I suspect some other option might be interfering, but I’m not having any luck finding it. Any clues?

    Also, I ship any sized retail order at a single flat rate. How can I set up weight based shipping for wholesale purchases? Will the pro version do what I’m looking to do?

    WordPress 4.2.2 running Virtue – Premium – Child theme.


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  • Plugin Author vark


    Thanks for your query. Let me break your questions down in sequence:

    (1) “… both a wholesale customer and an admin”
    – “Wholesale Customer” is a role, as is “Administrator”. You can only have one role at a time, so these are mutually exclusive. However, ‘Wholesale Customer’ is just a role name of convenience – *any* role can act as a wholesale role, if in a rule you select that role in the ‘logged-in role’ list.

    (2) I’m confused by the options you’ve shown in your screenprint. These options do not belong to my plugin “Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce” (by Vark). Perhaps you are actually using a different plugin as well??

    (3)”weight based shipping for wholesale purchases” –
    – “Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce” doesn’t have any shipping functions…


    Thread Starter Dyers2


    2. Gak; my apologies! The names of the two plugins aren’t exactly the same, but I didn’t notice that. I’m trying to use yours now.

    1.Okay, let me ask it this way (I’m not sure how to understand your response); can I set this up so that all administrators can see the wholesale pricing?

    4. (new) Can I allow only select buyers on an individual basis to see wholesale pricing? If so, how to do that?

    5. Each product is offered in 4 variations. I want to offer wholesale prices on only one of those variations. Part of that variation contains the words “Twisted Hank”, though it also contains the length which varies. A few individual items will need to be exempted from any such rule. In each case, those exempted variations are marked “Do not allow” backorders. Can a rule be written to accomplish this, or will I need to handle each variation individually somehow?

    Plugin Author vark


    (1) short answer is ‘yes’…

    (4) Buyer-based Pricing actually uses WordPress Role as the identifier (role is an attribute of WordPress User) – so if you want a buyer to have access to a particular pricing discount established using a discount rule, then you have to assign the buyer to a role which participates in that rule.
    Here’s some documentation:

    (5) currently, Wholesale Pricing doesn’t support variation pricing for a given role. However Pricing Deals does (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/pricing-deals-for-woocommerce/), and it includes all the functionality of Wholesale Pricing and a lot more. You’ll need the Pro version, though…


    Thread Starter Dyers2


    I’m considering Pricing Deals Pro. What’s holding me back is that it looks fairly complex, like it might have a learning curve requiring more time than I have to give it.

    Would you have time to tell me what to do to get it running in the way I asked about?

    Plugin Author vark


    Glad to help. There’s cookbook examples of how to build rules just like you have asked about. For example:
    look for “10% off all Laptops Wholesale Catalog discount” .
    I also offer one-on-one assistance if the documentation doesn’t get you there….

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