• The Little Activity Chest


    hi I think i may have fiddled with something i shouldnt have ??
    I was setting up mailchimp the other day and noticed you can integrate paypal. so followed instructions on mailchimp but it didn’t connect properly so gave up, thought i had put back everything as it was before on the IPN settings on paypal but now i’m not so sure as Woocommerce is saying pending payments on my orders even though paypal payments from customers are complete. could you please advise me. I do have my system status on woocommerce if this helps.
    Thank you in advance.


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  • Thread Starter The Little Activity Chest


    I have changed the URL in ipn notifications settings to my web address home page and this: https://example.com/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Paypal
    hoping this has fixed the issue?? as i had yesterday put in the one the mailchimp had suggested.
    I also have enabled messages as it was disabled. hoping this is correct too.
    if anyone has an idea please let me know thank you

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    If the above doesn’t work, ensure your system status page says it can connect to paypal without issue. WooCommerce > System Status

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