Ok I found a bug:
Error on console log:
edit.php?post_type=directori_dir_ltg&page=to-interface-directori_dir_ltg:418 Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
File: taxonomy-terms-order\include\interface.php
Line 200
jQuery.post( ajaxurl, { action:'update-taxonomy-order', order: serialize_data, nonce : '<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'update-taxonomy-order' ); ?>' }, function() {
jQuery("#ajax-response").html('<div class="message updated fade"><p><?php _e( "Items Order Updated", 'taxonomy-terms-order' ) ?></p></div>');
jQuery("#ajax-response div").delay(3000).hide("slow");
Site is not English but Catalan so the term “Items Order Updated” is translated to “S’ha actualitzat l’ordre dels elements”. So you can see the “‘” on the translation phrase is getting the error. (Single quote is the error)