Not Working
I’m trying for some time to setup Klarna Checkout with no luck.
When i enter the Credentials and select Klarna as Payment Method the Checkout Page is blank. see:
If i refresh the Checkout page i get:
I have also in my console this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'redirect_url' of undefined at Object.complete (klarna-checkout-for-woocommerce.min.js?ver=2.0.14:1) at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2) at Object.fireWith (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2) at x (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:4) at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:4)
Thank you
Experiencing the same issue. The browser console is screaming on me with the following issue:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘success’ of undefinedLogs from merchant center:
order_id: 296873ad-8cd7-6ba5-bc37-3395f8195e72
correlation_id: 18f05242-a4da-4fc5-ab8b-72a6fd8e959f
request_timestamp: 2020-06-11, 18:52
action: Read order
merchant_id: K742727
request_path: api/merchant/K742727/v3/orders/296873ad-8cd7-6ba5-bc37-3395f8195e72
caller_ip: HEADERS
Accept: */*
Klarna-Correlation-Id: 18f05242-a4da-4fc5-ab8b-72a6fd8e959f
User-Agent: WordPress/5.4.2; – WooCommerce: 4.2.0 – KCO:2.0.15 – PHP Version: 7.2.31 – Krokedil
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, br
Content-Type: application/jsonBODY
Klarna-Correlation-Id: 18f05242-a4da-4fc5-ab8b-72a6fd8e959f
Content-Type: application/jsonRESPONSE BODY
“”In the test mode, everything works correctly.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Hi @zderekh –
For your provided example order, the Klarna logs show that the order was created against the Klarna test/playground endpoint, but the error you listed above is a 404 error, which is thrown because this order is not found again the Klarna production environment. When changing Klarna API credentials in your Woo store, please make sure to start a new session so that stale data is not used; a good way that is to test using a new incognito browser window. Hope that helps!Thank you for your response. I repeated the same in incognito mode with the same result: the Klarna iframe is not being generated.
correlation_id: 7f56862b-cd2e-4b26-99f9-c879edf28949 request_timestamp: 2020-06-11, 19:45 action: Create order merchant_id: K742727 request_path: api/merchant/K742727/v3/orders caller_ip: REQUEST HEADERS Accept: */* Klarna-Correlation-Id: 7f56862b-cd2e-4b26-99f9-c879edf28949 User-Agent: WordPress/5.4.2; - WooCommerce: 4.2.0 - KCO:2.0.15 - PHP Version: 7.2.31 - Krokedil Host: Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, br Content-Length: 2329 Content-Type: application/json REQUEST BODY { "purchase_country": "NO", "locale": "nb-NO", "merchant_urls": { "terms": "", "checkout": "", "confirmation": "{}&wc_order_id=null", "push": "{}&kco_session_id=623962f647532d6e8173354373299fd5", "shipping_option_update": "", "notification": "{}" }, "billing_countries": [ "NO" ], "shipping_countries": [ "NO" ], "merchant_data": "{\"is_user_logged_in\":false}", "options": { "title_mandatory": false, "allow_separate_shipping_address": false, "date_of_birth_mandatory": false, "national_identification_number_mandatory": false, "allowed_customer_types": [ "person" ], "require_client_validation": true, "require_client_validation_callback_response": true, "phone_mandatory": false, "color_button": "#212121", "color_button_text": "#ffffff", "color_checkbox": "#be237a", "color_checkbox_checkmark": "#ffffff", "color_header": "#212121", "color_link": "#be237a" }, "customer": { "type": "person" }, "purchase_currency": "NOK", "order_amount": 8499, "order_lines": [ { "reference": "32916531792", "name": "Baseus USB Type C Cable - BLACK, 0.5m", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": 8499, "tax_rate": 0, "total_amount": 8499, "total_tax_amount": 0, "total_discount_amount": 0, "type": "physical" }, { "type": "shipping_fee", "reference": "free_shipping:3", "name": "Gratis frakt", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": 0, "tax_rate": 0, "total_amount": 0, "total_tax_amount": 0 } ], "order_tax_amount": 0, "billing_address": { "email": null, "postal_code": null, "country": "NO", "phone": null, "given_name": null, "family_name": null, "street_address": null, "street_address2": null, "city": null, "region": null }, "shipping_options": [ { "id": "free_shipping:3", "name": "Gratis frakt", "price": 0, "tax_amount": 0, "tax_rate": 0, "preselected": true } ], "external_payment_methods": [ { "name": "Vipps", "redirect_url": "", "image_url": "", "description": "" } ] } RESPONSE HEADERS Klarna-Correlation-Id: 7f56862b-cd2e-4b26-99f9-c879edf28949 Content-Type: application/json
Hi again @zderekh –
You are now receiving a different error, a 401 / unauthorized error, which you can check in the Logs app of the Klarna Merchant Portal, per: MID you are using is configured in Klarna for Klarna Payments, not Klarna Checkout. Please either switch to use the Klarna Payments plugin ( or update your Klarna contract if you want to use Klarna Checkout instead of Klarna Payments.
@krokedil @kristiankrokedil I have deleted your email and flagged your accounts for moderation.
While I know you have the best of intentions, it’s forum policy that you not ask users for admin or server access. Users on the forums aren’t your customers, they’re your open source collaborators, and requesting that kind of access can put you and them at high risk.
If they are paying customers (such as people who bought a premium service/product from you) then by all means, direct them to your official customer support system. But in all other cases, you need to help them here on the forums.
Thankfully are other ways to get information you need:
- Ask the user to install the Health Check plugin and get the data that way.
- Ask for a link to the or log of the user’s web server error log.
- Ask the user to create and post a link to their
output. - Walk the user through enabling WP_DEBUG and how to log that output to a file and how to share that file.
- Walk the user through basic troubleshooting steps such and disabling all other plugins, clear their cache and cookies and try again (the Health Check plugin can do this without impacting any site vistors).
- Ask the user for the step-by-step directions on how they can reproduce the problem.
You get the idea.
We know volunteer support is not easy, and this guideline can feel needlessly restrictive. It’s actually there to protect you as much as end users. Should their site be hacked or have any issues after you accessed it, you could be held legally liable for damages. In addition, it’s difficult for end users to know the difference between helpful developers and people with malicious intentions. Because of that, we rely on plugin developers and long-standing volunteers (like you) to help us and uphold this particular guideline.
When you help users here and in public, you also help the next person with the same problem. They’ll be able to read the debugging and solution and educate themselves. That’s how we get the next generation of developers.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
- The topic ‘Not Working’ is closed to new replies.