Hi @dan471
My kind apologies for delayed reply, I was a bit busy in the meantime.
In particular cases your backup/restore process may be aborted by different plugin or your web server. In such cases you probably won’t see any error but more likely hanged process.
The most common and known issue to me which could be related to your case is security plugins that blocks direct PHP execution. We have two backup methods which requires this functionality to not be blocked otherwise it may look like you describe your issue.
Did you installed some security plugin like WordFence or iThemes Security?
They have this option enabled by default.
I’d recommend you to install latest v1.1.9 version of the plugin then reset your configuration to most recent defaults. You can do that in “Troubleshooting” section -> Advanced Options -> at the very bottom “Reset configuration”.
Please do that and let me know if you are able to see any logs during your process. Once you receive any, share them with me – they’re very important for me even if there is no error.
Thank you!