• My weather widget is not showing the current temperature, only the overall high for the day. I need it to show the current temperature. Thanks!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Weather Atlas


    Checked your site, there is a huge current temp next to an icon.
    Please provide screenshot if you do not see current temp.
    Thank you.

    Thread Starter larajdesigns09


    Yes, I see it, and it is wrong. Click the bottom link “Cartersville GA weather”. It is 46 degrees right now.

    Thread Starter larajdesigns09


    Plugin Author Weather Atlas


    Your page source shows:

    <meta name="wpsso-cached" content="2024-01-21T15:50:46+00:00"/>

    Are you using any caching WP plugins?

    The use of caching plugins on a WordPress site that has a weather widget can lead to the display of outdated weather information and conflicts with the dynamic nature of the widget.

    The cache essentially creates a static version of a page, including the weather widget, which prevents the widget from fetching and displaying the most current weather data.

    Caching plugins are excellent for storing and serving static content, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files. But, they are not typically designed to save pages with dynamic parts that changes frequently, like that of a weather widget.

    Possible solution would be to turn off caching (main usage is to save from recreating same page without a need – especially on heavy load sites) or compromise (possibly the best solution) decrease / limit the time for storing the cache to 30 minutes

    Thread Starter larajdesigns09


    I have set the caching to lowest possible (10 minutes). I think it is pulling the high of the day instead of the actual temperature of the moment?: https://www.weather-us.com/en/georgia-usa/cartersville

    @weatheratlas I am the author of WPSSO Core and its add-ons. WPSSO is not a caching plugin. WPSSO is an “SEO” plugin that creates meta tags and Schema markup, and these meta tags and Schema markup are cached in a WordPress transient so they do not need to be re-created for every page load. WPSSO is not a caching plugin nor does it cache any part of the rendered webpage.


    Plugin Author Weather Atlas


    Hello @jsmoriss,

    Thanks for the clarification. I have assumed that “cached” refers to caching of the page.

    Plugin Author Weather Atlas


    Setting the cache for each page to 10 minutes should resolve the issue.

    According to the author of WPSSO, caching is not of the page, but of the meta tags and Schema markup, and it does not cache the entire page.

    The widget is not displaying the high temperature for the day.

    Please consider that there is also caching of weather condition data in your database. This is necessary because fetching weather data and waiting for the response every time a page loads would be highly inefficient. Instead, the data is retrieved from your database and updated subsequently from our system. For the weather widget, weather data delay is acceptable.

    Thread Starter larajdesigns09


    There seems to be some misunderstandings here, so I will try to be more clear.

    A) The weather widget has displayed the daily high of 54 degrees all day regardless of actual temperature. See screenshot from 1140 am today: https://wbhfradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/54.png

    B) The temperature has not reached 54 until just now. This morning it was 46 degrees out. See this screenshot from 1140am today: https://wbhfradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/temp.png

    Setting cache low and clearing cache has had no effect one way or the other. Other test locations I try like Beijing do not seem to have this issue with only showing the daily high either, it is just with Cartersville.


    Plugin Author Weather Atlas


    OK, it’s a bug in “transient” time for fetching the update probably.

    We’ve tested just now Cartersville, GA. The Widget shows “52”, “Sunny”.

    Can you please in Admin panel for the widget change the location to any other, and save it. (that should load new data).

    And then change location back to Cartersville, and Save again. (that should fix the issue)

    Plugin Author Weather Atlas


    OK, it’s a bug in “transient” time for fetching the update probably.

    It confirmed – our test widget is showing updated weather data. As suggested – try to change location, and then revert back to Cartersville, GA

    Thread Starter larajdesigns09


    I have done so now, but it still seems stuck on 54?

    Thread Starter larajdesigns09


    Hello, it is still saying 54 and will not budge. Please advise.

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