Not working after update from to
Hi, on click it gives a javascript error as follow:
TypeError: popupObj.prepareOpen is not a function
/mysite/wp-content/plugins/popup-builder/public/js/PopupBuilder.js?ver= can’t give you the link to the on-line site because I went back on the previous version which is working fine.
Any ideas? Thank for your help
Dear @ignazio_,
This fix is included in our upcoming update.
Please, replace the file (PopupBuilder.js) below in the following directory to fix the problem before update: /wp-content/plugins/popup-builder/public/js/function sgAddEvent(element, eventName, fn) { if (element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener(eventName, fn, false); else if (element.attachEvent) element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, fn); } /*Popup order count*/ window.SGPB_ORDER = 0; function SGPBPopup() { = null; this.eventName = ''; this.popupData = null; this.popupConfig = {}; this.popupObj = null; this.onceListener(); this.initialsListeners(); this.countPopupOpen = true; } SGPBPopup.listeners = function () { var that = this; sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidOpen', function(e) { var args = e.detail; var popupOptions = args.popupData; var obj = e.detail.currentObj.sgpbPopupObj; /* if no analytics extension */ if (typeof SGPB_ANALYTICS_PARAMS == 'undefined') { if (obj.getCountPopupOpen()) { obj.addToCounter(popupOptions); } } }); setInterval(function() { var openedPopups = window.sgpbOpenedPopup || {}; if (!Object.keys(openedPopups).length) { return false; } var params = {}; params.popupsIdCollection = window.sgpbOpenedPopup; var data = { action: 'sgpb_send_to_open_counter', nonce: SGPB_JS_PARAMS.nonce, params: params }; window.sgpbOpenedPopup = {};, data, function(res) { }); }, 600); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setCountPopupOpen = function(countPopupOpen) { this.countPopupOpen = countPopupOpen; } SGPBPopup.prototype.getCountPopupOpen = function() { return this.countPopupOpen; } SGPBPopup.prototype.playMusic = function(e) { var args = e.detail; var popupId = parseInt(args.popupId); var options = SGPBPopup.getPopupOptionsById(popupId); var soundUrl = options['sgpb-sound-url']; var soundStatus = options['sgpb-open-sound']; if (soundStatus && soundUrl && !window.SGPB_SOUND[popupId]) { var audio = new Audio(soundUrl);; window.SGPB_SOUND[popupId] = audio; } } SGPBPopup.prototype.initialsListeners = function() { /* one time calling events (sgpbDidOpen, sgpbDidClose ...) */ window.SGPB_SOUND = []; var that = this; sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidOpen', function(e) {that.playMusic(e);}); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidClose', function(e) { var args = e.detail; var popupId = parseInt(args.popupId); that.htmlIframeFilterForOpen(popupId, 'close'); if (typeof window.SGPB_SOUND[popupId] && window.SGPB_SOUND[popupId]) { window.SGPB_SOUND[popupId].pause(); delete window.SGPB_SOUND[popupId]; } }); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.onceListener = function() { var that = this; sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidOpen', function(e) { jQuery('.sg-popup-close').click(function(){ var currentPopup = that.getPopupIdForNextEsc(); if (!currentPopup) { return false; } SGPBPopup.closePopupById(currentPopup.popupId); }); document.onkeydown = function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.keyCode == 27) { /*esc pressed*/ var currentPopup = that.getPopupIdForNextEsc(); if (!currentPopup) { return false; } var lastPopupId = parseInt(currentPopup['popupId']); SGPBPopup.closePopupById(lastPopupId); } }; }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidClose', function(e) { if (window.sgPopupBuilder.length != 0) { var popups = [].concat(window.sgPopupBuilder).reverse(); for (var i in popups) { var nextIndex = ++i; var nextObj = popups[nextIndex]; if (typeof nextObj == 'undefined') { jQuery('html, body').removeClass('sgpb-overflow-hidden'); break; } if (nextObj.isOpen == false) { continue; } var options = SGPBPopup.getPopupOptionsById(nextObj.popupId); if (typeof options['sgpb-disable-page-scrolling'] == 'undefined') { jQuery('html, body').removeClass('sgpb-overflow-hidden'); } else { jQuery('html, body').addClass('sgpb-overflow-hidden'); } break; } } else { jQuery('html, body').addClass('sgpb-overflow-hidden'); } }); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.getPopupIdForNextEsc = function() { var popups = window.sgPopupBuilder; var popup = false; if (!popups.length) { return popup; } var searchPopups = [].concat(popups).reverse(); for (var i in searchPopups) { var popupData = searchPopups[i]; if (popupData.isOpen) { var popupId = parseInt(popupData['popupId']); var popupOptions = SGPBPopup.getPopupOptionsById(popupId); if (!popupOptions['sgpb-disable-popup-closing'] && popupOptions['sgpb-esc-key']) { popup = popupData; break; } } } return popup; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setPopupId = function(popupId) { = parseInt(popupId); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.getPopupId = function() { return; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setPopupObj = function(popupObj) { this.popupObj = popupObj; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.getPopupObj = function() { return this.popupObj; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setPopupData = function(popupData) { if (typeof popupData == 'string') { var popupData = SGPBPopup.unserialize(popupData); } this.popupData = popupData; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.getPopupData = function() { return this.popupData; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setPopupConfig = function(config) { this.popupConfig = config; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.getPopupConfig = function() { return this.popupConfig; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setUpPopupConfig = function() { var popupConfig = new PopupConfig(); this.setPopupConfig(popupConfig); }; SGPBPopup.createPopupObjById = function(popupId) { var options = SGPBPopup.getPopupOptionsById(popupId); if (!options) { return false; } var popupObj = new SGPBPopup(); popupObj.setPopupId(popupId); popupObj.setPopupData(options); return popupObj; }; SGPBPopup.getPopupOptionsById = function(popupId) { var popupDataDiv = jQuery('#sg-popup-content-wrapper-'+popupId); if (!popupDataDiv.length) { return false; } var options = popupDataDiv.attr('data-options'); return SGPBPopup.unserialize(options); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.getCompatibleZiIndex = function(popupZIndex) { /*2147483647 it's maximal z index value*/ if (popupZIndex > 2147483647) { return 2147483627; } return popupZIndex; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.prepareOpen = function() { var popupId = this.getPopupId(); var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupZIndex = this.getCompatibleZiIndex(popupData['sgpb-popup-z-index']); var popupType = this.popupData['sgpb-type']; this.setUpPopupConfig(); var that = this; var popupConfig = this.getPopupConfig(); this.setPopupDimensions(); if (popupData['sgpb-disable-popup-closing'] == 'on') { popupData['sgpb-enable-close-button'] = ''; popupData['sgpb-esc-key'] = ''; popupData['sgpb-overlay-click'] = ''; } /*used in the analytics*/ popupData['eventName'] = this.eventName; if (SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-enable-close-button'])) { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonDelay', parseInt(popupData['sgpb-close-button-delay'])); } popupConfig.magicCall('setShowButton', SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-enable-close-button'])); /* Convert seconds to micro seconds */ var openAnimationSpeed = parseFloat(popupData['sgpb-open-animation-speed'])*1000; var closeAnimationSpeed = parseFloat(popupData['sgpb-close-animation-speed'])*1000; popupConfig.magicCall('setOpenAnimationEffect', popupData['sgpb-open-animation-effect']); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseAnimationEffect', popupData['sgpb-close-animation-effect']); popupConfig.magicCall('setOpenAnimationSpeed', openAnimationSpeed); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseAnimationSpeed', closeAnimationSpeed); popupConfig.magicCall('setOpenAnimationStatus', popupData['sgpb-open-animation']); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseAnimationStatus', popupData['sgpb-close-animation']); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentPadding', popupData['sgpb-content-padding']); if (typeof SgpbRecentSalesPopupType != 'undefined') { if (popupType == SgpbRecentSalesPopupType) { /* set max z index for recent sales popup */ popupZIndex = 2147483647; popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseAnimationEffect', 'fade'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseAnimationSpeed', 1000); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseAnimationStatus', 'on'); } } popupConfig.magicCall('setZIndex', popupZIndex); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonWidth', popupData['sgpb-button-image-width']); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonHeight', popupData['sgpb-button-image-height']); popupConfig.magicCall('setPopupId', popupId); popupConfig.magicCall('setPopupData', popupData); popupConfig.magicCall('setAllowed', !SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-disable-popup-closing'])); if (popupData['sgpb-type'] == SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.popupTypeAgeRestriction) { popupConfig.magicCall('setAllowed', false); } popupConfig.magicCall('setEscShouldClose', SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-esc-key'])); popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayShouldClose', SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-overlay-click'])); popupConfig.magicCall('setScrollingEnabled', SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-enable-content-scrolling'])); if (SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-content-click'])) { this.contentCloseBehavior(); } sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbWillOpen', function(e) { if (popupId != e.detail.popupId || e.detail.popupData['sgpb-content-click'] == 'undefined') { return false; } /* triggering any popup content click (analytics) */ that.popupContentClick(e); }); if (SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-popup-fixed'])) { this.addFixedPosition(); } /*ThemeCreator*/ this.themeCreator(); this.themeCustomizations(); popupConfig.magicCall('setContents', document.getElementById('sg-popup-content-wrapper-'+popupId)); popupConfig.magicCall('setPopupType', popupType); this.setPopupConfig(popupConfig); this.popupTriggeringListeners(); /* check popup type, then check if popup can be opened by popup type */ var allowToOpen = this.checkCurrentPopupType(); if (allowToOpen) {; } }; SGPBPopup.prototype.popupContentClick = function(e) { var args = e.detail; var popupId = parseInt(args['popupId']); jQuery('.sgpb-content-' + popupId).on('click', function(event) { var settings = { popupId: popupId, eventName: 'sgpbPopupContentclick' }; jQuery(window).trigger('sgpbPopupContentclick', settings); }); } SGPBPopup.prototype.checkCurrentPopupType = function() { var allowToOpen = true; var popupConfig = new PopupConfig(); var isPreview = parseInt(this.popupData['sgpb-is-preview']); if (!isNaN(isPreview) && isPreview == 1) { return allowToOpen; } var popupHasLimit = this.isSatistfyForShowingLimitation(this.popupData); if (!popupHasLimit) { return false; } var dontShowPopupCookieName = 'sgDontShowPopup' + this.popupData['sgpb-post-id']; var dontShowPopup = SGPopup.getCookie(dontShowPopupCookieName); if (dontShowPopup != '') { return false; } var className = this.popupData['sgpb-type']; if (typeof className == 'undefined' || className == 'undefined') { return false; } if (typeof SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.conditionalJsClasses != 'undefined' && SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.conditionalJsClasses.length) { var isAllowConditions = this.isAllowJsConditions(); if (!isAllowConditions) { return false; } } /* make the first letter of a string uppercase, then concat prefix (uppercase all prefix string) */ className = popupConfig.prefix.toUpperCase() + className.firstToUpperCase(); /* hasOwnProperty returns boolean value */ if (window.hasOwnProperty(className)) { className = eval(className); /* create current popup type object */ var obj = new className; /* call allowToOpen function if exists */ if (typeof obj.allowToOpen === 'function') { allowToOpen = obj.allowToOpen(; } } return allowToOpen; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.isAllowJsConditions = function() { var conditions = SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.conditionalJsClasses; var isAllow = true; for (var i in conditions) { if (!conditions.hasOwnProperty(i)) { break; } try { var className = eval(conditions[i]); } catch (e) { continue; } var obj = new className; /* call allowToOpen function if exists */ if (typeof obj.allowToOpen === 'function') { var allowToOpen = obj.allowToOpen(, this); if (!allowToOpen) { isAllow = allowToOpen; break; } } } return isAllow; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setPopupLimitationCookie = function(popupData) { var cookieData = this.getPopupShowLimitationCookie(popupData); var cookie = cookieData.cookie || {}; var openingCount = cookie.openingCount || 0; var currentUrl = window.location.href; if (!popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user-page-level']) { currentUrl = ''; } cookie.openingCount = openingCount + 1; cookie.openingPage = currentUrl; var popupShowingLimitExpiry = parseInt(popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user-expiry']); SGPBPopup.setCookie(cookieData.cookieName, JSON.stringify(cookie), popupShowingLimitExpiry, currentUrl); } SGPBPopup.prototype.isSatistfyForShowingLimitation = function(popupData) { /*enable||disable*/ var popupLimitation = popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user']; /*if this option unchecked popup must be show*/ if (!popupLimitation) { return true; } var cookieData = this.getPopupShowLimitationCookie(popupData); /*when there is noot*/ if (!cookieData.cookie) { return true; } return popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user-count'] > cookieData.cookie.openingCount; } SGPBPopup.prototype.getPopupShowLimitationCookie = function(popupData) { var savedCookie = this.getPopupShowLimitationCookieDetails(popupData); var savedCookie = this.filterPopupLimitationCookie(savedCookie); return savedCookie; } SGPBPopup.prototype.filterPopupLimitationCookie = function(cookie) { var result = {}; result.cookie = ''; if (cookie.isPageLevel) { result.cookieName = cookie.pageLevelCookieName; if (cookie.pageLevelCookie) { result.cookie = jQuery.parseJSON(cookie.pageLevelCookie); } SGPBPopup.deleteCookie(cookie.domainLevelCookieName); return result; } result.cookieName = cookie.domainLevelCookieName; if (cookie.domainLevelCookie) { result.cookie = jQuery.parseJSON(cookie.domainLevelCookie); } var currentUrl = window.location.href; SGPBPopup.deleteCookie(cookie.pageLevelCookieName, currentUrl); return result; } SGPBPopup.prototype.getPopupShowLimitationCookieDetails = function(popupData) { var result = false; var currentUrl = window.location.href; var currentPopupId = popupData['sgpb-post-id']; /*Cookie names*/ var popupLimitationCookieHomePageLevelName = 'SGPBShowingLimitationHomePage' + currentPopupId; var popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName = 'SGPBShowingLimitationPage' + currentPopupId; var popupLimitationCookieDomainName = 'SGPBShowingLimitationDomain' + currentPopupId; var pageLevelCookie = popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user-page-level'] || false; /*check if current url is home page*/ if (currentUrl == SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.homePageUrl) { popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName = popupLimitationCookieHomePageLevelName; } var popupLimitationPageLevelCookie = SGPopup.getCookie(popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName); var popupLimitationDomainCookie = SGPopup.getCookie(popupLimitationCookieDomainName); result = { 'pageLevelCookieName': popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName, 'domainLevelCookieName': popupLimitationCookieDomainName, 'pageLevelCookie': popupLimitationPageLevelCookie, 'domainLevelCookie': popupLimitationDomainCookie, 'isPageLevel': pageLevelCookie } return result; } SGPBPopup.prototype.popupLimitation = function(popupData) { var currentUrl = window.location.href; var currentPopupId = popupData['sgpb-post-id']; /*Cookie names*/ var popupLimitationCookieHomePageLevelName = 'SGPBShowingLimitationHomePage' + currentPopupId; var popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName = 'SGPBShowingLimitationPage' + currentPopupId; var popupLimitationCookieDomainName = 'SGPBShowingLimitationDomain' + currentPopupId; /*enable||disable*/ var popupLimitation = popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user']; if (typeof popupLimitation != 'undefined' && popupLimitation) { var popupShowingLimit = popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user-count']; var popupShowingLimitExpiry = popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user-expiry']; var pageLevelCookie = popupData['sgpb-show-popup-same-user-page-level']; if (typeof pageLevelCookie == 'undefined') { pageLevelCookie = ''; } /*check if current url is home page*/ if (currentUrl == SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.homePageUrl) { popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName = popupLimitationCookieHomePageLevelName; } var popupLimitationPageLevelCookie = SGPopup.getCookie(popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName); var popupLimitationDomainCookie = SGPopup.getCookie(popupLimitationCookieDomainName); /* page level cookie saving selected */ if (pageLevelCookie) { /* if has already another saving level cookie */ if (popupLimitationPageLevelCookie == '') { var cookieObject = { openingCount : 1, pageLevelCookie : pageLevelCookie, openingPage : currentUrl }; SGPBPopup.setCookie(popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName, JSON.stringify(cookieObject), popupShowingLimitExpiry, currentUrl); } else { var popupLimitationPageLevelCookie = jQuery.parseJSON(popupLimitationPageLevelCookie); if (popupShowingLimit <= popupLimitationPageLevelCookie.openingCount) { return false; } var updatedCount = parseInt(popupLimitationPageLevelCookie.openingCount + 1); popupLimitationPageLevelCookie.openingCount = updatedCount; SGPBPopup.setCookie(popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName, JSON.stringify(popupLimitationPageLevelCookie), popupShowingLimitExpiry, currentUrl); } SGPBPopup.deleteCookie(popupLimitationCookieDomainName); } /* domain level cookie saving selected */ else { if (typeof popupLimitationPageLevelCookie == 'undefined') { popupLimitationPageLevelCookie = ''; } if (popupLimitationPageLevelCookie != '') { var popupLimitationPageLevelCookie = jQuery.parseJSON(popupLimitationPageLevelCookie); } /* if has already another saving level cookie */ if (popupLimitationPageLevelCookie) { SGPBPopup.deleteCookie(popupLimitationCookiePageLevelName, popupLimitationPageLevelCookie.openingPage); } if (popupLimitationDomainCookie == '') { var cookieObject = { openingCount : 1, pageLevelCookie : pageLevelCookie }; SGPBPopup.setCookie(popupLimitationCookieDomainName, JSON.stringify(cookieObject), popupShowingLimitExpiry, pageLevelCookie); } else { var popupLimitationDomainCookie = jQuery.parseJSON(popupLimitationDomainCookie); if (popupShowingLimit <= popupLimitationDomainCookie.openingCount) { return false; } var updatedCount = parseInt(popupLimitationDomainCookie.openingCount + 1); popupLimitationDomainCookie.openingCount = updatedCount; SGPBPopup.setCookie(popupLimitationCookieDomainName, JSON.stringify(popupLimitationDomainCookie), popupShowingLimitExpiry, pageLevelCookie); } } } return true; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.themeCreator = function() { var noPositionSelected = false; var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupId = this.getPopupId(); var popupConfig = this.getPopupConfig(); var forceRtlClass = ''; var forceRtl = SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-force-rtl']); var popupTheme = popupData['sgpb-popup-themes']; var popupType = popupData['sgpb-type']; var closeButtonWidth = popupData['sgpb-button-image-width']; var closeButtonHeight = popupData['sgpb-button-image-height']; var contentPadding = parseInt(popupData['sgpb-content-padding']); var contentClass = popupData['sgpb-content-custom-class']; var closeButtonImage = popupConfig.closeButtonImage; var themeNumber = 1; var backgroundColor = 'black'; var recentSalesPopup = false; if (typeof SgpbRecentSalesPopupType != 'undefined') { if (popupType == SgpbRecentSalesPopupType) { recentSalesPopup = true; popupTheme = 'sgpb-theme-2'; closeButtonPosition = 'topRight'; backgroundColor = 'white'; popupConfig.magicCall('setShadowSpread', 3); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentShadowBlur', 5); popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayVisible', false); } } if (forceRtl) { forceRtlClass = ' sgpb-popup-content-direction-right'; } if (popupData['sgpb-type'] == 'countdown') { popupConfig.magicCall('setMinWidth', 300); } popupConfig.magicCall('setContentPadding', contentPadding); popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayAddClass', popupTheme+'-overlay sgpb-popup-overlay-' + popupId); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentAddClass', 'sgpb-content sgpb-content-'+popupId+' ' + popupTheme+'-content ' + contentClass + forceRtlClass); if (typeof popupData['sgpb-close-button-position'] == 'undefined' || popupData['sgpb-close-button-position'] == '') { /* * in the old version we don't have close button position option * and if noPositionSelected is true, the popup was not edited */ var noPositionSelected = true; } else { var closeButtonPosition = popupData['sgpb-close-button-position']; popupConfig.magicCall('setButtonPosition', closeButtonPosition); } if (popupTheme == 'sgpb-theme-1') { themeNumber = 1; popupConfig.magicCall('setShadowSpread', 14); /* 9px theme default close button position for all cases */ if (noPositionSelected || closeButtonPosition == 'bottomRight') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '9px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '9px'); } else { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '9px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '9px'); } } else if (popupTheme == 'sgpb-theme-2') { themeNumber = 2; popupConfig.magicCall('setButtonInside', false); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderWidth', 1); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundColor', backgroundColor); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderColor', 'inherit'); popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayColor', 'white'); var rightPosition = '0'; var topPosition = '-' + closeButtonHeight + 'px'; if (recentSalesPopup) { rightPosition = '-' + (closeButtonWidth / 2) + 'px'; topPosition = '-' + (closeButtonHeight / 2) + 'px'; themeNumber = 6; } if (noPositionSelected || closeButtonPosition == 'topRight') { /* this theme has 1px border */ popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', rightPosition); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionTop', topPosition); } else { if (closeButtonPosition == 'topLeft') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '0'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionTop', '-' + closeButtonHeight + 'px'); } else if (closeButtonPosition == 'bottomRight') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '0'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '-' + closeButtonHeight + 'px'); } else if (closeButtonPosition == 'bottomLeft') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '0'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '-' + closeButtonHeight + 'px'); } } } else if (popupTheme == 'sgpb-theme-3') { themeNumber = 3; popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderWidth', 5); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderRadius', popupData['sgpb-border-radius']); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderRadiusType', popupData['sgpb-border-radius-type']); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderColor', popupData['sgpb-border-color']); if (noPositionSelected) { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonWidth', 38); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonHeight', 19); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '4px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionTop', '4px'); } else { if (closeButtonPosition == 'topRight') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '4px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionTop', '4px'); } else if (closeButtonPosition == 'topLeft') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '4px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionTop', '4px'); } else if (closeButtonPosition == 'bottomRight') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '4px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '4px'); } else if (closeButtonPosition == 'bottomLeft') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '4px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '4px'); } } } else if (popupTheme == 'sgpb-theme-4') { /* in theme-4 close button type is button,not image, * then set type to button, default is image and * set text */ themeNumber = 4; popupConfig.magicCall('setButtonImage', popupData['sgpb-button-text']); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonType', 'button'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonText', popupData['sgpb-button-text']); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderWidth', 0); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundColor', 'white'); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderColor', 'white'); popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayColor', 'white'); popupConfig.magicCall('setShadowSpread', 4); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentShadowBlur', 8); /* 8px/12px theme default close button position for all cases */ if (noPositionSelected || closeButtonPosition == 'bottomRight') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '12px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '9px'); } else { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '12px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '9px'); } } else if (popupTheme == 'sgpb-theme-5') { themeNumber = 5; popupConfig.magicCall('setBoxBorderWidth', 10); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderColor', '#4B4B4B'); if (noPositionSelected || closeButtonPosition == 'bottomRight') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '8px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '8px'); } else { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '8px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '8px'); } } else if (popupTheme == 'sgpb-theme-6') { themeNumber = 6; popupConfig.magicCall('setButtonInside', false); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderRadius', 7); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBorderRadiusType', 'px'); if (noPositionSelected) { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonWidth', 37); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonHeight', 37); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '-18.5px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionTop', '-18.5px'); } else { if (closeButtonPosition == 'topRight') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '-' + (closeButtonWidth / 2) + 'px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionTop', '-' + (closeButtonHeight / 2) + 'px'); } else if (closeButtonPosition == 'topLeft') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '-' + (closeButtonWidth / 2) + 'px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionTop', '-' + (closeButtonHeight / 2) + 'px'); } else if (closeButtonPosition == 'bottomRight') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionRight', '-' + (closeButtonWidth / 2) + 'px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '-' + (closeButtonHeight / 2) + 'px'); } else if (closeButtonPosition == 'bottomLeft') { popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionLeft', '-' + (closeButtonWidth / 2) + 'px'); popupConfig.magicCall('setCloseButtonPositionBottom', '-' + (closeButtonHeight / 2) + 'px'); } } } popupConfig.magicCall('setPopupTheme', themeNumber); if (!popupData['sgpb-button-image']) { closeButtonImage = SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.defaultThemeImages[themeNumber]; if (typeof closeButtonImage != 'undefined') { popupConfig.magicCall('setButtonImage', 'data:image/png;base64,'+closeButtonImage); } } else { popupConfig.magicCall('setButtonImage', 'data:image/png;base64,'+popupData['sgpb-button-image-data']); } }; SGPBPopup.prototype.themeCustomizations = function() { var popupId = this.getPopupId(); var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupConfig = this.getPopupConfig(); var contentOpacity = popupData['sgpb-content-opacity']; var contentBgColor = popupData['sgpb-background-color']; if (popupData['sgpb-background-image-data']) { var contentBgImage = 'data:image/png;base64,'+popupData['sgpb-background-image-data']; } else { var contentBgImage = popupData['sgpb-background-image']; } var showContentBackground = popupData['sgpb-show-background']; var contentBgImageMode = popupData['sgpb-background-image-mode']; var overlayColor = popupData['sgpb-overlay-color']; var popupTheme = popupData['sgpb-popup-themes']; var popupType = popupData['sgpb-type']; if (typeof showContentBackground == 'undefined') { contentBgColor = ''; contentBgImage = ''; contentBgImageMode = ''; } if (typeof SgpbRecentSalesPopupType != 'undefined') { if (popupType == SgpbRecentSalesPopupType) { showContentBackground = 'on'; contentBgColor = popupData['sgpb-background-color']; contentOpacity = popupData['sgpb-content-opacity']; } } if (contentOpacity) { popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundOpacity', contentOpacity); } if (contentBgImageMode) { popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundMode', contentBgImageMode); } if (contentBgImage) { popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundImage', contentBgImage); } if (contentBgColor) { contentBgColor = SGPBPopup.hexToRgba(contentBgColor, contentOpacity); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundColor', contentBgColor); } if (overlayColor) { popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayColor', overlayColor); } var overlayClasses = popupTheme+'-overlay sgpb-popup-overlay-'+popupId; if (typeof popupData['sgpb-enable-popup-overlay'] == 'undefined' && !SGPB_JS_PACKAGES.extensions['advanced-closing']) { popupData['sgpb-enable-popup-overlay'] = true; } popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayVisible', SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-enable-popup-overlay'])); if (SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-enable-popup-overlay'])) { popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayAddClass', overlayClasses + ' ' + popupData['sgpb-overlay-custom-class']); var overlayOpacity = popupData['sgpb-overlay-opacity'] || 0.8; popupConfig.magicCall('setOverlayOpacity', overlayOpacity * 100); } }; SGPBPopup.prototype.formSubmissionDetection = function(args) { if (args.length) { return false; } var popupId = args.popupId; var options = SGPBPopup.getPopupOptionsById(popupId); if (!options['sgpb-reopen-after-form-submission']) { return false; } jQuery('.sgpb-popup-builder-content-' + popupId + ' form').submit(function() { SGPBPopup.setCookie('SGPBSubmissionReloadPopup', popupId); }); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.htmlIframeFilterForOpen = function(popupId, popupEventName) { var popupContent = jQuery('.sgpb-content-' + popupId); if (!popupContent.length) { return false; } popupContent.find('iframe').each(function() { if (popupEventName != 'open') { /* for do not affect facebook type buttons iframe only */ if (jQuery(this).closest('.fb_iframe_widget').length) { return true; } /*close*/ if (typeof jQuery(this).attr('data-attr-src') == 'undefined') { var src = jQuery(this).attr('src'); if (src != '') { jQuery(this).attr('data-attr-src', src); jQuery(this).attr('src', ''); } return true; } else { var src = jQuery(this).attr('src'); if (src != '') { jQuery(this).attr('data-attr-src', src); jQuery(this).attr('src', ''); } return true; } } else { /*open*/ if (typeof jQuery(this).attr('data-attr-src') == 'undefined') { var src = jQuery(this).attr('src'); if (src != '') { jQuery(this).attr('data-attr-src', src); } return true; } else { var src = jQuery(this).attr('data-attr-src'); if (src != '') { jQuery(this).attr('src', src); jQuery(this).attr('data-attr-src', src); } return true; } } }); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.getSearchDataFromContent = function(content) { var pattern = /\[(\[?)(pbvariable)(?![\w-])([^\]\/]*(?:\/(?!\])[^\]\/]*)*?)(?:(\/)\]|\](?:([^\[]\*+(?:\[(?!\/\2\])[^\[]\*+)\*+)\[\/\2\])?)(\]?)/gi; var match; var collectedData = []; while (match = pattern.exec(content)) { var currentSearchData = []; var attributes; var attributesKeyValue = []; var parseAttributes = /\s(\w+?)="(.+?)"/g; currentSearchData['replaceString'] = this.htmlDecode(match[0]); while (attributes = parseAttributes.exec(match[3])) { attributesKeyValue[attributes[1]] = this.htmlDecode(attributes[2]); } currentSearchData['searchData'] = attributesKeyValue; collectedData.push(currentSearchData); } return collectedData; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.replaceWithCustomShortcode = function(popupId) { var currentHtmlContent = jQuery('.sgpb-content-'+popupId).html(); var searchData = this.getSearchDataFromContent(currentHtmlContent); var that = this; if (!searchData.length) { return false; } for (var index in searchData) { var currentSearchData = searchData[index]; var searchAttributes = currentSearchData['searchData']; if (typeof searchAttributes['selector'] == 'undefined' || typeof searchAttributes['attribute'] == 'undefined') { that.replaceShortCode(currentSearchData['replaceString'], ''); continue; } try { if (!jQuery(searchAttributes['selector']).length) { that.replaceShortCode(currentSearchData['replaceString'], ''); continue; } } catch (e) { that.replaceShortCode(currentSearchData['replaceString'], ''); continue; } var replaceName = jQuery(searchAttributes['selector']).attr(searchAttributes['attribute']); if (typeof replaceName == 'undefined') { that.replaceShortCode(currentSearchData['replaceString'], ''); continue; } that.replaceShortCode(currentSearchData['replaceString'], replaceName, popupId); } }; SGPBPopup.prototype.replaceShortCode = function(shortCode, replaceText, popupId) { var popupId = parseInt(popupId); if (!popupId) { return false; } var popupContentWrapper = jQuery('.sgpb-content-' + popupId); if (!popupContentWrapper.length) { return false; } popupContentWrapper.find('div').each(function() { var currentHtmlContent = jQuery(this).contents(); if (!currentHtmlContent.length) { return false; } for (var index in currentHtmlContent) { var currentChild = currentHtmlContent[index]; var currentChildNodeValue = currentChild.nodeValue; var currentChildNodeType = currentChild.nodeType; if (currentChildNodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) { continue; } if (currentChildNodeValue.indexOf(shortCode) != -1) { currentChild.nodeValue = currentChildNodeValue.replace(shortCode, replaceText); } } }); return true; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.popupTriggeringListeners = function() { var that = this; var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupConfig = this.getPopupConfig(); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidOpen', function(e) { var args = e.detail; that.formSubmissionDetection(args); var popupOptions = args.popupData; if (popupOptions['sgpb-show-popup-same-user']) { that.setPopupLimitationCookie(popupOptions); } var closeButtonDelay = parseInt(popupOptions['sgpb-close-button-delay']); if (closeButtonDelay) { that.closeButtonDisplay(popupOptions['sgpb-post-id'], 'show', closeButtonDelay); } var disablePageScrolling = popupOptions['sgpb-disable-page-scrolling']; if (popupOptions['sgpb-overlay-color']) { jQuery('.sgpb-theme-1-overlay').css({'background-image': 'none'}); } if (SGPBPopup.varToBool(disablePageScrolling)) { jQuery('html').addClass('sgpb-overflow-hidden'); } }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbWillOpen', function(e) { var args = e.detail; var popupId = parseInt(args['popupId']); that.htmlIframeFilterForOpen(args.popupId, 'open'); that.replaceWithCustomShortcode(popupId); that.sgpbDontShowPopup(popupId); var closeButtonDelay = parseInt(popupData['sgpb-close-button-delay']); if (closeButtonDelay) { that.closeButtonDisplay(popupData['sgpb-post-id'], 'hide'); } }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbShouldClose', function(e) { }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbWillClose', function(e) { var args = e.detail; SGPBPopup.offPopup(e.detail.currentObj); }); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.sgpbDontShowPopup = function(popupId) { var dontShowPopup = jQuery('.sgpb-content-' + popupId).parent().find('[class*="sg-popup-dont-show"]'); if (!dontShowPopup.length) { return false; } dontShowPopup.each(function() { jQuery(this).bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var expireTime = SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.dontShowPopupExpireTime; var cookieName = 'sgDontShowPopup' + popupId; var classNameSearch = jQuery(this).attr('class').match(/sg-popup-dont-show/); var className = classNameSearch['input']; var customExpireTime = className.match(/sg-popup-dont-show-(\d+$)/); if (customExpireTime) { expireTime = parseInt(customExpireTime[1]); } SGPBPopup.setCookie(cookieName, expireTime, expireTime); SGPBPopup.closePopupById(popupId); }); }); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.addToCounter = function(popupOptions) { if (SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.isPreview != '') { return false; } var that = this; var openedPopups = window.sgpbOpenedPopup || {}; var popupId = parseInt(popupOptions['sgpb-post-id']); if (typeof openedPopups[popupId] == 'undefined') { openedPopups[popupId] = 1; } else { openedPopups[popupId] += 1; } window.sgpbOpenedPopup = openedPopups; }; /* * closeButtonDisplay() * close or hide close button * @param popupId * @param display * @param delay */ SGPBPopup.prototype.closeButtonDisplay = function(popupId, display, delay) { if (display == 'show') { setTimeout(function() { jQuery('.sgpb-content-' + popupId).prev().show(); }, delay * 1000 /* received values covert to milliseconds */ ); } else if (display == 'hide') { jQuery('.sgpb-content-' + popupId).prev().hide(); } }; = function(args) { var config = this.getPopupConfig(); var popupId = this.getPopupId(); var eventName = this.eventName; if (typeof window.sgPopupBuilder == 'undefined') { window.sgPopupBuilder = []; } var popupData = SGPBPopup.getPopupWindowDataById(popupId); if (!popupData) { window.SGPB_ORDER += 1; var currentObj = { 'eventName': eventName, 'popupId': popupId, 'order': window.SGPB_ORDER, 'isOpen': true, 'sgpbPopupObj': this }; config.currentObj = currentObj; var popupConfig = config.combineConfigObj(); var popup = new SGPopup(popupConfig); currentObj.popup = popup; window.sgPopupBuilder.push(currentObj); } else { popup = popupData['popup']; popupData['isOpen'] = true; } if (typeof args != 'undefined' && !args['countPopupOpen']) { /* don't allow to count popup opening */ this.setCountPopupOpen(false); }; this.setPopupObj(popup); /* contact form 7 form submission * TODO: this must be moved to a better place in the future * I'm leaving it here for now, since sgpbDidOpen() gets called way too much! */ var options = SGPBPopup.getPopupOptionsById(popupId); SgpbEventListener.CF7EventListener(popupId, options); if (typeof options['sgpb-behavior-after-special-events'] != 'undefined') { if (options['sgpb-behavior-after-special-events'].length) { options = options['sgpb-behavior-after-special-events'][0][0]; if (options['param'] == 'contact-form-7') { SgpbEventListener.processCF7MailSent(popupId, options); } } } }; SGPBPopup.varToBool = function(optionName) { var returnValue = optionName ? true : false; return returnValue; }; SGPBPopup.hexToRgba = function(hex, opacity) { var c; if (/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}){1,2}$/.test(hex)){ c = hex.substring(1).split(''); if (c.length == 3){ c= [c[0], c[0], c[1], c[1], c[2], c[2]]; } c = '0x'+c.join(''); return 'rgba('+[(c>>16)&255, (c>>8)&255, c&255].join(',')+','+opacity+')'; } throw new Error('Bad Hex'); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.contentCopyToClick = function() { var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupId = this.getPopupId(); var textAreaId = 'content-copy-to-click-'+popupId; var value = this.htmlDecode(popupData['sgpb-copy-to-clipboard-text']); var textArea = jQuery('<textarea>', { id: textAreaId, value: value, style: 'position: absolute; right: -10000px' }); if (!jQuery('#'+textAreaId).length) { jQuery('body').append(textArea); } jQuery('#'+textAreaId).select(); document.execCommand('copy'); jQuery('#'+textAreaId).remove(); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.htmlDecode = function(value) { return jQuery('<textarea/>').html(value).text(); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.findTargetInsideExceptionsList = function(targetName, exceptionList) { var status = false; var popupContentMainDiv = document.getElementById('sgpb-popup-dialog-main-div'); while (targetName.parentNode) { targetName = targetName.parentNode; if (typeof targetName.tagName == 'undefined') { continue; } var tagName = targetName.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (targetName === popupContentMainDiv) { break; } if (exceptionList.indexOf(tagName) != -1) { status = true; break; } } return status; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.contentCloseBehavior = function() { var that = this; var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupId = this.getPopupId(); var redirectUrl = popupData['sgpb-click-redirect-to-url']; var contentClickBehavior = popupData['sgpb-content-click-behavior']; var redirectToNewTab = SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-redirect-to-new-tab']); var closePopupAfterCopy = SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-copy-to-clipboard-close-popup']); var clipboardAlert = SGPBPopup.varToBool(popupData['sgpb-copy-to-clipboard-alert']); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidOpen', function(e) { }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbWillOpen', function(e) { if (popupId != e.detail.popupId || e.detail.popupData['sgpb-content-click'] == 'undefined') { return false; } if (contentClickBehavior == 'redirect') { jQuery('.sgpb-content-'+popupId).addClass('sgpb-cursor-pointer'); } jQuery('.sgpb-content-'+e.detail.popupId).on('click', function(event) { if (contentClickBehavior == 'redirect') { if (redirectToNewTab) {; SGPBPopup.closePopupById(that.getPopupId()); return; } window.location = redirectUrl; SGPBPopup.closePopupById(that.getPopupId()); } else if (contentClickBehavior == 'copy') { var exceptionList = ['input', 'textarea', 'select', 'button', 'a']; var targetName =; var parentTagName =; var parentsIsInExceptionsList = that.findTargetInsideExceptionsList(, exceptionList); /*for do not copy when user click to any input element*/ if (exceptionList.indexOf(targetName) == -1 && !parentsIsInExceptionsList) { that.contentCopyToClick(); if (closePopupAfterCopy) { SGPBPopup.closePopupById(that.getPopupId()); } if (clipboardAlert) { alert(popupData['sgpb-copy-to-clipboard-message']) } } } else if (popupData['sgpb-disable-popup-closing'] != 'on') { SGPBPopup.closePopupById(that.getPopupId()); } }); }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidClose', function(e) { }); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.addFixedPosition = function() { var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupId = this.getPopupId(); var popupConfig = this.getPopupConfig(); var fixedPosition = popupData['sgpb-popup-fixed-position']; var positionRight = ''; var positionTop = ''; var positionBottom = ''; var positionLeft = ''; if (fixedPosition == 1) { positionTop = 40; positionLeft = 20; } else if (fixedPosition == 2) { positionLeft = 'center'; positionTop = 40; } else if (fixedPosition == 3) { positionTop = 40; positionRight = 20; } else if (fixedPosition == 4) { positionTop = 'center'; positionLeft = 20; } else if (fixedPosition == 6) { positionTop = 'center'; positionRight = 20; } else if (fixedPosition == 7) { positionLeft = 20; positionBottom = 2; } else if (fixedPosition == 8) { positionLeft = 'center'; positionBottom = 2; } else if (fixedPosition == 9) { positionRight = 20; positionBottom = 2; } if (typeof SgpbRecentSalesPopupType != 'undefined') { if (popupData['sgpb-type'] == SgpbRecentSalesPopupType) { if (positionTop != '') { positionTop = parseInt(positionTop+10); } else if (positionBottom != '') { positionBottom = parseInt(positionBottom+10); } } } popupConfig.magicCall('setPositionTop', positionTop); popupConfig.magicCall('setPositionRight', positionRight); popupConfig.magicCall('setPositionBottom', positionBottom); popupConfig.magicCall('setPositionLeft', positionLeft); }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setPopupDimensions = function() { var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupConfig = this.getPopupConfig(); var popupId = this.getPopupId(); var dimensionData = popupData['sgpb-popup-dimension-mode']; var maxWidth = popupData['sgpb-max-width']; var maxHeight = popupData['sgpb-max-height']; var minWidth = popupData['sgpb-min-width']; var minHeight = popupData['sgpb-min-height']; var contentPadding = popupData['sgpb-content-padding']; var popupType = popupData['sgpb-type']; popupConfig.magicCall('setMaxWidth', maxWidth); popupConfig.magicCall('setMaxHeight', maxHeight); popupConfig.magicCall('setMinWidth', minWidth); popupConfig.magicCall('setMinHeight', minHeight); if (popupType == 'image') { if (popupData['sgpb-image-data']) { popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundImage', 'data:image/png;base64,'+popupData['sgpb-image-data']); } else { popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundImage', popupData['sgpb-image-url']); } popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundMode', 'contain'); if (dimensionData == 'customMode') { popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundPosition', 'center center'); } } if (dimensionData == 'responsiveMode') { /* for image popup type and responsive mode, set background image to fit */ if (popupType == 'image') { popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundMode', 'fit'); this.setMaxWidthForResponsiveImage(); } var dimensionMeasure = popupData['sgpb-responsive-dimension-measure']; var popupConfig = this.getPopupConfig(); if (dimensionMeasure != 'auto') { popupConfig.magicCall('setWidth', dimensionMeasure+'%'); popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundPosition', 'center'); } else { var widthToSet = jQuery('.sgpb-popup-builder-content-'+popupId).width() + (contentPadding*2); if (isNaN(widthToSet)) { widthToSet = 'auto'; } else { popupConfig.magicCall('setContentBackgroundPosition', 'center center'); widthToSet += 'px'; } popupConfig.magicCall('setWidth', widthToSet); } return popupConfig; } var popupWidth = popupData['sgpb-width']; var popupHeight = popupData['sgpb-height']; popupConfig.magicCall('setWidth', popupWidth); popupConfig.magicCall('setHeight', popupHeight); return popupConfig; }; SGPBPopup.prototype.setMaxWidthForResponsiveImage = function() { var popupData = this.getPopupData(); var popupConfig = this.getPopupConfig(); var dimensionMeasure = popupData['sgpb-responsive-dimension-measure']; if (dimensionMeasure != 'auto') { var maxWidth = popupData['sgpb-max-width']; if (maxWidth == '') { popupConfig.magicCall('setMaxWidth', dimensionMeasure+'%'); return true; } popupConfig.magicCall('setMaxWidth', dimensionMeasure+'%'); if (maxWidth.indexOf('%') != '-1') { if (parseInt(maxWidth) < dimensionMeasure) { popupConfig.magicCall('setMaxWidth', maxWidth); } } else { var responsiveMeasureInPx = (dimensionMeasure*window.innerWidth)/100; if (maxWidth < responsiveMeasureInPx) { popupConfig.magicCall('setMaxWidth', maxWidth); } } } }; SGPBPopup.b64DecodeUnicode = function(str) { var Base64 = { /* private property */ _keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", /* public method for decoding */ decode : function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = Base64._utf8_decode(output); return output; }, /* private method for UTF-8 decoding */ _utf8_decode : function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0; var c = c1 = c2 = 0; while (i < utftext.length) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; } }; return Base64.decode(str); }; SGPBPopup.unserialize = function(data) { data = SGPBPopup.b64DecodeUnicode(data); var $global = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global); var utf8Overhead = function(str) { var s = str.length; for (var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var code = str.charCodeAt(i) if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) { s++; } else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) { s += 2; } /* trail surrogate */ if (code >= 0xDC00 && code <= 0xDFFF) { i--; } } return s - 1; } var error = function(type, msg, filename, line) { throw new $global[type](msg, filename, line); } var readUntil = function(data, offset, stopchr) { var i = 2; var buf = []; var chr = data.slice(offset, offset + 1); while (chr !== stopchr) { if ((i + offset) > data.length) { error('Error', 'Invalid'); } buf.push(chr); chr = data.slice(offset + (i - 1), offset + i); i += 1; } return [buf.length, buf.join('')]; } var readChrs = function(data, offset, length) { var i, chr, buf buf = [] for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { chr = data.slice(offset + (i - 1), offset + i); buf.push(chr); length -= utf8Overhead(chr); } return [buf.length, buf.join('')]; } function _unserialize(data, offset) { var dtype var dataoffset var keyandchrs var keys var contig var length var array var readdata var readData var ccount var stringlength var i var key var kprops var kchrs var vprops var vchrs var value var chrs = 0 var typeconvert = function(x) { return x } if (!offset) { offset = 0 } dtype = (data.slice(offset, offset + 1)).toLowerCase() dataoffset = offset + 2 switch (dtype) { case 'i': typeconvert = function(x) { return parseInt(x, 10); } readData = readUntil(data, dataoffset, ';'); chrs = readData[0]; readdata = readData[1]; dataoffset += chrs + 1; break; case 'b': typeconvert = function(x) { return parseInt(x, 10) !== 0; } readData = readUntil(data, dataoffset, ';'); chrs = readData[0]; readdata = readData[1]; dataoffset += chrs + 1; break; case 'd': typeconvert = function(x) { return parseFloat(x); } readData = readUntil(data, dataoffset, ';'); chrs = readData[0]; readdata = readData[1]; dataoffset += chrs + 1; break; case 'n': readdata = null break case 's': ccount = readUntil(data, dataoffset, ':') chrs = ccount[0] stringlength = ccount[1] dataoffset += chrs + 2 readData = readChrs(data, dataoffset + 1, parseInt(stringlength, 10)) chrs = readData[0] readdata = readData[1] dataoffset += chrs + 2 if (chrs !== parseInt(stringlength, 10) && chrs !== readdata.length) { error('SyntaxError', 'String length mismatch') } break; case 'a': readdata = {}; keyandchrs = readUntil(data, dataoffset, ':'); chrs = keyandchrs[0]; keys = keyandchrs[1]; dataoffset += chrs + 2; length = parseInt(keys, 10); contig = true; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { kprops = _unserialize(data, dataoffset); kchrs = kprops[1]; key = kprops[2]; dataoffset += kchrs; vprops = _unserialize(data, dataoffset); vchrs = vprops[1]; value = vprops[2]; dataoffset += vchrs; if (key !== i) { contig = false; } readdata[key] = value; } if (contig) { array = new Array(length) for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = readdata[i]; } readdata = array; } dataoffset += 1; break; default: error('SyntaxError', 'Unknown / Unhandled data type(s): ' + dtype); break; } return [dtype, dataoffset - offset, typeconvert(readdata)] } return _unserialize((data + ''), 0)[2]; }; SGPBPopup.closePopup = function() { var popupObjs = window.sgPopupBuilder; var lastPopupObj = this.getLastPopup(); if (typeof lastPopupObj == 'undefined') { return false; } var popupId = lastPopupObj.popupId; SGPBPopup.closePopupById(popupId); }; SGPBPopup.closePopupById = function(popupId) { var popupObjs = window.sgPopupBuilder; if (!popupObjs.length) { return; } for (var i in popupObjs) { var currentObj = popupObjs[i]; if (currentObj.popupId == popupId) { var popupObj = popupObjs[i]['popup']; if (popupObj) { /*Send true argument to don’t count disable popup option*/ popupObj.close(true); } } } }; SGPBPopup.getPopupWindowDataById = function(popupId) { var popups = window.sgPopupBuilder; var popup = false; if (typeof popups == 'undefined' || !popups.length) { return popup; } for (var i in popups) { var popupData = popups[i]; if (popupData.popupId == popupId) { popup = popupData; break; } } return popup; }; SGPBPopup.findPopupObjById = function(popupId) { var popup = false; var popupData = SGPBPopup.getPopupWindowDataById(popupId); if (popupData) { popup = popupData['popup']; } return popup; }; SGPBPopup.getLastPopup = function() { var popups = window.sgPopupBuilder; var popup = false; if (!popups.length) { return popup; } var searchPopups = [].concat(popups); for (var i in searchPopups) { var popupData = searchPopups[i]; if (popupData.isOpen) { popup = popupData; break; } } return popup; }; SGPBPopup.offPopup = function(currentPopup) { var popups = window.sgPopupBuilder; if (!popups.length) { return false; } for (var i in popups) { var popupData = popups[i]; if (popupData.order == currentPopup.order && popupData.eventName == currentPopup.eventName) { popups[i]['isOpen'] = false; break; } } return true; }; SGPBPopup.capitalizeFirstLetter = function(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }; SGPBPopup.getParamFromUrl = function(param) { var url = window.location.href; param = param.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + param + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) { return null; } if (!results[2]) { return ''; } return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")); }; /* * * SGPBPopup Cookies' settings * */ SGPBPopup.setCookie = function(cName, cValue, exDays, cPageLevel) { var isPreview = SGPBPopup.getParamFromUrl('preview'); if (isPreview) { return false; } var expirationDate = new Date(); var cookiePageLevel = 'path=/;'; var cookieExpirationData = 1; if (!exDays || isNaN(exDays)) { if (!exDays && exDays === 0) { exDays = 'session'; } else { exDays = 365*50; } } if (typeof cPageLevel == 'undefined') { cPageLevel = false; } if (exDays == 'session') { cookieExpirationData = 0; } else { expirationDate.setDate(parseInt(expirationDate.getDate() + parseInt(exDays))); cookieExpirationData = expirationDate.toUTCString(); } var expires = 'expires='+cookieExpirationData; if (exDays == -1) { expires = ''; } if (cPageLevel) { cookiePageLevel = 'path=' + cPageLevel + ';'; } if (!cookieExpirationData) { expires = ''; } var value = cValue+((exDays == null) ? ';' : '; '+expires+';'+cookiePageLevel); document.cookie = cName + '=' + value; }; SGPBPopup.getCookie = function(cName) { var name = cName + '='; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ''; }; /* * * Delete the cookie by expiring it * */ SGPBPopup.deleteCookie = function(cName, cPath) { if (!cPath) { cPath = 'path=/;'; } document.cookie = cName + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;' + cPath; }; /** * * @SgpbEventListener listen Events and call corresponding events * * * * * * * * * */ function SgpbEventListener() { this.evenets = null; this.popupObj = {}; } SgpbEventListener.inactivityIdicator = 0; SgpbEventListener.prototype.setEvents = function(events) { this.evenets = events; }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.getEvents = function() { return this.evenets; }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.setPopupObj = function(popupObj) { this.popupObj = popupObj; }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.getPopupObj = function() { return this.popupObj; }; SgpbEventListener.init = function() { var popupsData = jQuery('.sg-popup-builder-content'); if (!popupsData) { return ''; } var that = this; popupsData.each(function() { that.popupObjCreator(jQuery(this)); }); }; SgpbEventListener.popupObjCreator = function(currentData) { var popupId ='id'); var popupData ='options'); var events = currentData.attr('data-events'); events = jQuery.parseJSON(events); SgpbEventListener.reopenAfterFormSubmission(popupData); var popupObj = new SGPBPopup(); popupObj.setPopupId(popupId); popupObj.setPopupData(popupData); for (var i in events) { var obj = new this; obj.setPopupObj(popupObj); obj.eventListener(events[i]); } }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.eventListener = function(eventData) { if (eventData == null) { return ''; } var event = ''; if (typeof eventData == 'string') { event = eventData; } else if (typeof eventData.param != 'undefined') { event = eventData.param; } if (!event) { return false; } var popupObj = this.getPopupObj(); var popupData = popupObj.getPopupData(); if (eventData.value == '') { eventData.value = popupData['sgpb-popup-delay']; } var eventName = SGPBPopup.capitalizeFirstLetter(event); eventName = 'sgpb'+eventName; popupObj.eventName = eventName; try { eval('this.'+eventName)(this, eventData); } catch (err) { console.log(err) } }; SgpbEventListener.reopenAfterFormSubmission = function(eventData) { var popupId = SGPBPopup.getCookie('SGPBSubmissionReloadPopup'); popupId = parseInt(popupId); if (!popupId) { return false; } var popupObj = SGPBPopup.createPopupObjById(popupId); if (!popupObj) { return false; } var options = popupObj.getPopupData(); if (!options['sgpb-reopen-after-form-submission']) { return false; } popupObj.prepareOpen(); SGPBPopup.deleteCookie('SGPBSubmissionReloadPopup'); }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.sgpbLoad = function(listenerObj, eventData) { var timeout = parseInt(eventData.value); var popupObj = listenerObj.getPopupObj(); timeout = timeout*1000; var timerId, repetitiveTimeout = null; sgAddEvent(window, 'load', function() { clearInterval(timerId); timerId = setTimeout(function() { popupObj.prepareOpen(); }, timeout); }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidOpen', function(e) { var args = e.detail; clearInterval(repetitiveTimeout); }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidClose', function(e) { var args = e.detail; var options = popupObj.getPopupData(); if (SGPBPopup.varToBool(eventData['repetitive'])) { var intervalTime = parseInt(eventData['value'])*1000; repetitiveTimeout = setInterval(function() { popupObj.prepareOpen(); }, intervalTime); } }); }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.timerIncrement = function(listenerObj , idleInterval) { var lastActivity = SgpbEventListener.inactivityIdicator; if (lastActivity == 0) { clearInterval(idleInterval); listenerObj.getPopupObj().prepareOpen(); } SgpbEventListener.inactivityIdicator = 0; }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.sgpbInsideclick = function(listenerObj, eventData) { sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidOpen', function(e) { var args = e.detail; var that = listenerObj; var popupObj = that.getPopupObj(); var popupId = parseInt(; var targetClick = jQuery('.sgpb-content .sgpb-popup-id-'+popupId); if (!targetClick.length) { return false; } targetClick.each(function() { jQuery(this).unbind('click').bind('click', function() { var dontCloseCurrentPopup = jQuery(this).attr('dontCloseCurrentPopup'); if (typeof dontCloseCurrentPopup == 'undefined' || dontCloseCurrentPopup != 'on') { SGPBPopup.closePopup(); } popupObj.prepareOpen(); }); }); }); }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.sgpbClick = function(listenerObj, eventData) { var that = listenerObj; var popupIds = []; var popupObj = that.getPopupObj(); var popupOptions = popupObj.getPopupData(); var popupId = parseInt(; popupIds.push(popupId); var mapId = listenerObj.filterPopupId(popupId); popupIds.push(mapId); for(var key in popupIds) { var popupId = popupIds[key]; if (!popupIds.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } var targetClick = jQuery('a[href*="#sg-popup-id-' + popupId + '"], .sg-popup-id-' + popupId + ', .sgpb-popup-id-' + popupId); if (typeof eventData.operator != 'undefined' && eventData.operator == 'clickActionCustomClass') { targetClick = jQuery('a[href*="#sg-popup-id-' + popupId + '"], .sg-popup-id-' + popupId + ', .sgpb-popup-id-' + popupId+', .'+eventData.value); } if (!targetClick.length) { continue; } var delay = parseInt(popupOptions['sgpb-popup-delay']) * 1000; var clickCount = 1; targetClick.each(function() { if (!jQuery(this).attr('data-popup-id')) { jQuery(this).attr('data-popup-id', popupId); } jQuery(this).bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (clickCount > 1) { return false; } ++clickCount; jQuery(window).trigger('sgpbClickEvent', popupOptions); var popupId = jQuery(this).data('popup-id'); setTimeout(function() { var popupObj = SGPBPopup.createPopupObjById(popupId); if (!popupObj) { var mapId = listenerObj.filterPopupId(popupId); popupObj = SGPBPopup.createPopupObjById(mapId); } if (popupObj) { popupObj.prepareOpen(); clickCount = 1; } }, delay); }); }); } }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.sgpbHover = function(listenerObj, eventData) { var that = listenerObj; var popupObj = that.getPopupObj(); if (!popupObj) { return false; } var popupIds = []; var popupOptions = popupObj.getPopupData(); var popupId = parseInt(; popupIds.push(popupId); var mapId = listenerObj.filterPopupId(popupId); popupIds.push(mapId); for(var key in popupIds) { var popupId = popupIds[key]; if (!popupIds.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } var hoverSelector = jQuery('.sg-popup-hover-' + popupId + ', .sgpb-popup-id-' + popupId + '[data-popup-event="hover"]'); if (typeof eventData.operator != 'undefined' && eventData.operator == 'hoverActionCustomClass') { hoverSelector = jQuery('.sg-popup-hover-' + popupId + ', .sgpb-popup-id-' + popupId + '[data-popup-event="hover"]'+', .'+eventData.value); } if (!hoverSelector) { return false; } var hoverCount = 1; var delay = parseInt(popupOptions['sgpb-popup-delay']) * 1000; hoverSelector.each(function () { if (!jQuery(this).attr('data-popup-id')) { jQuery(this).attr('data-popup-id', popupId); } jQuery(this).bind('hover', function() { if (hoverCount > 1) { return false; } ++hoverCount; var popupId = jQuery(this).data('popup-id'); jQuery(window).trigger('sgpbHoverEvent', popupOptions); setTimeout(function() { var popupObj = SGPBPopup.createPopupObjById(popupId); if (!popupObj) { var mapId = listenerObj.filterPopupId(popupId); popupObj = SGPBPopup.createPopupObjById(mapId); } popupObj.prepareOpen(); hoverCount = 1; }, delay); }); }); } }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.sgpbConfirm = function(listenerObj, eventData) { var that = listenerObj; var popupObj = that.getPopupObj(); if (!popupObj) { return false; } var popupIds = []; var popupOptions = popupObj.getPopupData(); var popupId = parseInt(; popupIds.push(popupId); var mapId = listenerObj.filterPopupId(popupId); popupIds.push(mapId); for(var key in popupIds) { var popupId = popupIds[key]; if (!popupIds.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } var confirmSelector = jQuery('.sg-confirm-popup-' + popupId); if (!confirmSelector) { return false; } var confirmCount = 1; confirmSelector.bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (confirmCount > 1) { return false; } ++confirmCount; jQuery(window).trigger('sgpbConfirmEvent', popupOptions); var target = jQuery(this).attr('target'); if (typeof target == 'undefined') { target = 'self'; } var href = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var delay = parseInt(popupOptions['sgpb-popup-delay']) * 1000; setTimeout(function() { if (typeof href != 'undefined') { popupOptions['sgpb-confirm-' + popupId] = {'target' : target, 'href' : href}; popupObj.setPopupData(popupOptions); } popupObj.prepareOpen(); confirmCount = 1; }, delay); }); sgAddEvent(window, 'sgpbDidClose', function(e) { var args = e.detail; var popupId = parseInt(args.popupId); var popupOptions = args.popupData; if (typeof popupOptions['sgpb-confirm-' + popupId] != 'undefined') { var confirmAgrs = popupOptions['sgpb-confirm-' + popupId]; if (confirmAgrs['target'] == '_blank') {['href']); } else { window.location.href = confirmAgrs['href']; } delete popupOptions['sgpb-confirm-' + popupId]; popupObj.setPopupData(popupOptions); } }); } }; SgpbEventListener.prototype.sgpbAttronload = function(listenerObj, eventData) { var that = listenerObj; var popupObj = that.getPopupObj(); var popupId = parseInt(; popupId = listenerObj.filterPopupId(popupId); var popupOptions = popupObj.getPopupData(); var delay = parseInt(popupOptions['sgpb-popup-delay']) * 1000; jQuery(window).trigger('sgpbAttronloadEvent', popupOptions); setTimeout(function() { popupObj.prepareOpen(); }, delay); }; /*for the old popups*/ SgpbEventListener.prototype.filterPopupId = function(popupId) { var convertedIds = SGPB_POPUP_PARAMS.convertedIdsReverse; var popupNewId = popupId; if (convertedIds[popupId]) { return convertedIds[popupId]; } else { for(var i in convertedIds) { if (popupId == convertedIds[i]) { popupNewId = parseInt(i); break; } } } return popupNewId; }; SgpbEventListener.findCF7InPopup = function(popupId) { return document.querySelector('#sg-popup-content-wrapper-'+popupId+' .wpcf7'); }; SgpbEventListener.CF7EventListener = function(popupId, options) { var wpcf7Elm = SgpbEventListener.findCF7InPopup(popupId); if (wpcf7Elm) { wpcf7Elm.addEventListener('wpcf7mailsent', function(event) { var settings = { popupId: popupId, eventName: 'sgpbCF7Success' }; jQuery(window).trigger('sgpbCF7Success', settings); }); } }; SgpbEventListener.processCF7MailSent = function(popupId, options) { var wpcf7Elm = SgpbEventListener.findCF7InPopup(popupId); if (wpcf7Elm) { wpcf7Elm.addEventListener('wpcf7mailsent', function(event) { if (typeof options['operator'] == 'undefined') { return; } if (options['operator'] == 'close-popup') { setTimeout(function() { SGPBPopup.closePopupById(popupId); }, parseInt(options['value'])*1000); } else if (options['operator'] == 'redirect-url') { window.location.href = options['value']; } else if (options['operator'] == 'open-popup') { SGPBPopup.closePopupById(popupId); var popupObj = SGPBPopup.createPopupObjById(Object.keys(options['value'])[0]); popupObj.prepareOpen(); } }, false); } }; jQuery(document).ready(function(e) { SgpbEventListener.init(); SGPBPopup.listeners(); });
- This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Sygnoos Support.
Hi, thank you very much for your ready answer, now everything is working fine again.
Of course I will give a 5 stars for your excellent plugin and for your assistance.
Looking forward next updates, have a nice day
roberto aka ignazio
- The topic ‘Not working after update from to’ is closed to new replies.