Hey @henrybaum,
Hope you’re well.
I checked the plugin that you mention and looks like you’re right. I checked the “Genres” taxonomy pages and Custom Sidebars not changing sidebar. But I don’t think that is the problem because of Custom Sidebars.
MyBookTable plugin renders archive pages as not archive so Custom Sidebars just can’t detect it. For example, when I run is_page() function on regular post categories archive page it returns “false” and when I run is_archive() function it returns “true”, that is the default working way of archive pages.
But when I run is_page() function on Genres taxonomy archive it returns “true” and when I run is_archive() it returns “false”. It’s not rendered as archive it’s just regular page. So not only our plugin but also any other plugin that specifically works on archive pages will not work with this plugin taxonomies. You should talk with that plugin developer for rendering archive pages correctly then Custom Sidebars will start to work.
I hope that helps!