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  • Plugin Author berkux


    Hi Bruno,

    the json-template is completely ok.
    But the problem is the slow response of

    There is a fixed timeout of 5sek to get the JSON, which should be enough in many cases. But not yours, sorry.
    Solution would be a timeout-parameter.

    Here’s the deal:
    I’ll add such a parameter to the plugin after you donated whatever it is worth to you. This is because I’d like to know what this plugin is really worth.
    Is this ok for you?


    Thread Starter cbruno33


    Thanks Berhard, makes sense. I was going to donate anyway because I like the extension and hope it continues to get better…. you should have already received my donation (bigbridge).

    A time-out parameters seems to make sense in case this is used in a site that may (occasionally) be not so responsive, or perhaps have some message that is displayed when this is the problem.

    I have a few other basic questions about sub-loops but would like to try and figure it out myself before asking. Thanks again.

    Plugin Author berkux


    Hi Bruno,

    thank you! I’ll add the timeout-parameter.
    Feel free to ask.


    Thread Starter cbruno33


    Awesome, thanks! I copied the json locally to avoid the problem for now.

    I figured out the problem I was having with subloops(I was using subloop instead of subloop-array). So far so good, but I’m sure I’ll have more questions later.

    Have you thought about making an extension like this for joomla?

    Thanks again, Bruno

    Plugin Author berkux


    Hi Bruno,

    for the next version.
    [jsoncontentimporter url=”” urlgettimeout=”500″ numberofdisplayeditems=”3″ basenode=”property”]
    {property_name} {address}
    {subloop-array:rates:20}{period} {season_rate}{/subloop-array:rates}
    {subloop-array:photos:2}<img src=”{photo_url}”>{/subloop-array:photos}<hr>[/jsoncontentimporter]
    you getdata from the slow server…

    Can you please check this for your JSON. With my test-JSONs this is working.


    PS: Hey other people! Thanks for downloading my plugin. Thanks to the donation of Bruno this new feature is available. He was completely free in the amount, so you are. I’m looking forward for your donation!

    Thread Starter cbruno33


    The time-out parameter works great! Thanks for doing this so quickly, and thanks again for developing this extension.


    Plugin Author berkux


    you’re welcome

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