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  • i haven’t tried it on 4.4 yet. Did you have it fully working on WP 4.3 or did you start with WP 4.4?

    Thread Starter ticao88


    Fully worked on WP 4.3 =/

    Unfortunately we have the same problem since upgrading to 4.4. ??

    Just fyi, I’m not the author of this plugin, but the authors (M&S Consulting) do have a paid support deal for $10. One of you might consider doing that to have them fix this & release a new version.

    That said, you can probably hack in a fix with just a few changes in email-before-download.php. I have not tried this because I don’t have a 4.4 setup, so you guys will have to try this & see if it works…

    So what I think needs to happen is that you need to find the 5 lines that are using “WP_PLUGIN_URL” (which is a wordpress internal variable or constant I believe) and change it to “plugins_url()” and I think that will do it. The double-quotes are not included, I just put them there to make it clear what is changing.

    Before you change email-before-download.php, be sure and make a copy of it and put it in some other directory, just in case. So this is basically a straight text replace of that exact string — don’t change anything else around it like spacing before it for that period that comes right after it, you just want to make WP_PLUGIN_URL become plugins_url() and leave everything else exactly the same.

    There should be 5 occurrences of that I think. I believe it will be lines 531, 588, 844, 853, and 904.

    After making the changes, save it. Use your browser and go to your page that has your email before download form on it and hold down the shift key & click reload (or refresh) to make sure you get a new copy (rather than a cached copy) and then retest and see if you have the same problem (or a new problem). If it doesn’t work, post the URL it gives you back in here like you did initially.

    My guess is that this problem will only affect WP 4.4 installations that are using https … people using http may not see the issue (or they may, I’m just guessing really).

    Thanks very much dtynan and I’ll let you know how it goes. We’re only using http, so the https is not in the equation.

    I’m more than happy to pay M&S the $10 for support. ??

    ok on the http/https thing. Try my suggestion and see if it works (assuming you are comfortable editing the file).

    You don’t really have to pay them the $10 (assuming this change works), but if you want to see a new version of the plugin with the problem “officially fixed” then I’m guessing that’s probably the best way. Up to you of course.

    Unfortunately dtynan the suggested change did not fix the issue. I will contact M&S support. Thanks!

    I tried to pay for support but their purchase link does not work for me. ?? Now I’m not sure that users can even pay for support for this plugin.

    I went to this page and tried the Buy now button.

    I’m seeing this error in the log:

    [15-Dec-2015 22:26:29 UTC] PHP Warning: readfile(): Filename cannot be empty in /home/[websitename]/public_html/wp-content/plugins/email-before-download/download.php on line 236

    what is the URL that it is trying to go to? (what does the download link actually link to?)

    ah, i think i see the problem. go ahead and tell me what the URL is that you get for the download (just in case).

    it looks like we’ll have to change WP_PLUGIN_DIR over in download.php also. let me do some looking to make sure (post the URL back in here as soon as you get a chance).

    Thanks dtynan, here is the URL which opens in the browser after pressing the download button:

    Is that the URL you mean?

    I am familiar with coding and have SVN’d the files prior to making changes. I do not usually work with PHP so some of the syntax is unfamiliar.

    BTW, the download page is here if you want to try it:

    Yes, thanks. I think that URL looks good (you’ll note that it looks normal and doesn’t have the … that you & the other commenter were seeing [see the first comment in this item]).

    So, I think the problem is we need to replace that WP_PLUGIN_DIR in two places in email-before-download.php and in one place in download.php. I’m just trying to figure out exactly what to replace it with (currently looking at this function which seems to indicate that the function we actually need doesn’t exist [plugins_dir_path], which makes things more difficult for me). Anyway, give me a few more minutes & we’ll take another stab at this and if we still can’t get it working then I’ll make a 4.4 setup tonight & figure it all out & have an answer by tomorrow. But, hopefully I won’t have to do that .. gimme a few mins to come up with something & I’ll post back.

    Thank you very much dtynan, your help is most appreciated and I’ll do whatever I can to assist based on differences in time zones (I’m in Sydney, AEDST GMT + 11).

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