Ok, I assume you made a backup copy of email-before-download.php and put it off in some other directory, per my earlier instructions. Do the same now for download.php because we need to change that too.
Alright, this may not work, but we’ll give it a shot and see .. if it doesn’t work, you can put your backup copies of those two files back in place & then check back in a day or two after I’ve updated with a better solution.
Ok, you need to change WP_PLUGIN_DIR to this exact string:
plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).”..”
That __FILE__ inside the parentheses there is two underscores then the word FILE then two underscores and that’s all together. I have a space after the starting parenthesis and a space before the ending parenthesis, but that spacing doesn’t really matter. After the closing parenthesis is a period then a double quote then two periods then another double quote. So all of that replaces the word WP_PLUGIN_DIR and you leave everything else on the line alone (what comes after it is a space then a period then a space then “/download-monitor/” and some more junk after that.
So for example, here is what line 147 of email-before-download.php should now look like:
$pd = &get_file_data( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).".." . "/download-monitor/download-monitor.php", array("Version"=>"Version"), 'plugin');
I gave you that example and spelled out the exact changes because I’m not certain if you can cut’n’paste out of this wordpress forum and get the right characters or if it would give you like html junk or something. You may be able to cut’n’paste it, which would be easier, but pay attention & make sure it looks right.
Anyway, give that a shot. So it’s 3 lines you’re changing in two files. Then, retest and see if that’s any better and let me know on here.
WP_PLUGIN_DIR occurs on line 147 and line 378 of email-before-download.php so you’ll change it in both places there. It also occurs on line 25 of download.php so you’ll change it there as well.