• webrightnow


    Plugin configured and working great on regular blog posts, but not on custom post types. I use the My Calendar – Accessible Event Manager plugin which uses custom post type mc-events. This is recognised by your plugin and shown in the settings under Post Types, but ticking the box has no effect. Any ideas how to make it work? It would be great to be able to navigate between event posts. Thanks!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Jo4nny8


    hi, sorry something isn’t working right for you.

    unfortunately, I’m out of my country without my laptop, but will try to help where I can.

    Is the site live so I can see it? Are you able to use any web developer tools in a browser to check if the navigation buttons are loading and are not being hidden by the events manager plugin somehow.

    if you are able to inspect the site, look for an element with id #wp-post-nav to ensure it’s being loaded on the front end.

    have you turned on debug mode – this should load the settings at the bottom of your webpage – can you drop that on here so I can see?

    Thread Starter webrightnow


    Thanks and don’t worry if you are away. Yes I inspected the code and found that the .wp-post-nav element is present and showing at the bottom of the page, for example https://wrndev.qpn.org.uk/mc-events/website-launch/, but it’s missing the #post-nav-previous-default element inside it, so it doesn’t get pushed up the screen as in normal posts (https://wrndev.qpn.org.uk/post-2/).

    As the wrapper element shows I can probably do something with CSS to push it up the page, it’s just strange that the content of the navigation block is different. Perhaps this custom post type isn’t compatible?

    Thread Starter webrightnow


    To get around the lack of “Previous” and “Next” classes I did some CSS stuff using :nth-child(1) and :nth-child(2) on the .wp-post-nav a element which works quite well for events like https://wrndev.qpn.org.uk/mc-events/shawlands-farmers-market/. But it’s got a few continuity issues (won’t go between May and June events for example, but will go between June and July – weird) so if you can come up with a better fix in the future I’ll be grateful.

    Plugin Author Jo4nny8


    Thanks, I’m glad it’s loading and you should be able to get a temporary fix.

    I’ll grab a look on my return next week at what seems to be happening and also into the plugin your using to see why certain posts aren’t working correctly.

    the only initial thought is that WP Post Nav uses default WordPress functions for fetching the posts based on the date they are published. If your plugin isn’t using posts in this way then it won’t work so if the events are added with dates as a custom field for example it won’t work properly.

    I’ll know more when I look into it and potential can offer a hook or filter to make the required modifications for you.

    Thread Starter webrightnow


    Brilliant thanks!

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