Hey @tanmay-kumar-das,
I submitted some test submissions using the forms on that page, and I was able to successfully view the submissions in the Forms tab within Hubspot.
Since the forms on your website are non-HubSpot forms, they will appear as new forms in the forms table. Form “#CollentedForm .elementor-form, .elementor-form-waiting” and “#newsletter .elementor-form, .elementor-form-waiting”.
Here’s why: the HubSpot tracking code intercepts the form “submit” event and sends the submission to HubSpot, along with the form’s HTML identifiers. The first time you receive a submission for a non-HubSpot form, HubSpot will automatically create the form for you—there’s no need to manually create it. It uses these identifiers as the default name.
You should be able to see any new contacts from form submissions in the Contacts Tab.
I hope this explanation resolves your issue. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to reach out.
Best Regards,