• Hi,

    Ithemes security is not working with WooCommerce:

    1. Add to cart button not working, when triggering it the action just keeps loading and loadin.
    2. Pay page, payment options are not loading, they just keep loading.

    Disabling the ithemes security solves all of the problems. Also tried a fresh install but this didn’t help.

    Why did a totally good plugin got screwed up?!?


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  • I found the specific problem to be ‘hide admin’, which in its current buggy state throws a monkey wrench into /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. When I disabled this feature everything worked again, although ‘hide admin’ was the MAIN REASON I installed this plugin in the first place!


    Same issue here – no problem with the older version of the plugin.

    I can’t use hide admin with WooCommerce as it needs to make calls to wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    Would love to see a fix very soon…

    We had the same problem, and it turned out to be the iThemes Security plugin! I removed it and everything works fine again.

    I have however put the ORIGINAL plugin back on with the latest version before it became iThemes Security:

    Version 3.6.6 (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/better-wp-security/developers/)

    Everything works fine again.

    Come on iThemes!!! You’ve been claiming your new update is better than ever, but this is a major problem in your plugin!

    iThemes security works well with WooCommerce. One just needs to fix the .htaccess file.

    For me the problem is with the paypal payment. All my order are still in pending status whereas they’ been paid. I check with paypal, everthing is ok on the configuration. Something from Itheme are blocking the IPN, and my order stay in pending.

    Is someone could help ?


    Hey @respectyoda – it would be nice to know what that .htaccess fix is you’re talking about – better yet, a link to some info on it.
    If anyone knows what workaround’s need to be put in place to get these two plugin’s working nicely together – I’d really appreciate a heads up.
    I have the latest version of everything & when I enable iThemes Security – WooCommerce functionality breaks.
    Deactivate it & everythings works fine again.
    My issue is no redirect after sale (Credit Card/Payment Express) – just a blank page, no notification of sale.

    @minion08, All of my sites just have the last working version of Better WP Security as @tooze posted above:

    We had the same problem, and it turned out to be the iThemes Security plugin! I removed it and everything works fine again.

    I have however put the ORIGINAL plugin back on with the latest version before it became iThemes Security:

    Version 3.6.6 (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/better-wp-security/developers/)

    Everything works fine again.

    What I did though was download the zip, modify the main PHP file to change the version declaration from 3.6.6 to 9993.6.6 so my clients don’t see that it has an update, and then re-zip and upload it to my sites, but that’s just me.

    Thanks @intelligentdesign – I’ll give that a shot. Just thought there may have been a quick & easy .htaccess change that enables the latest version to be used.

    @jason, there are a bunch of mod rewrites in the htaccess file that should be deleted because a lot of them were generated by Better WP Security versions (before the plugin was renamed) and no longer are necessary with the newer versions of iThemes Security, all due to the settings that were changed in the backend.

    @respectyoda Care to share what any of those are? It is nice to know you solved the problem but unfortunately you are very vague about what others like use need to do. Any specifics? Any links to help / doc files? Anything besides “Delete Mod rewrites in .htaccess file” would be apprecieated. Cheers.

    Hey All,

    There may be different issues here. But I’ve noticed that the “Suspicious Query Strings” and “Long URL Strings” features can conflict with ecommerce functionality. If you have the features enabled, please disable them and see if that helps.



    It was switching off “Long URL Strings” that fixed the issue for me.

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