• Resolved nacm


    Hi, I have custom taxonomy brands and its not filtering any new product that I added after updating to Woocommerce 3. Any suggestion?

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  • Hello

    Try to clear all cache. drop me exact link to the issue

    Thread Starter nacm


    Thanks for the reply, here is the live link. There are few new products I have added after updating Woocommerce to 3. (JM Monster Game PE5N Gold, JM Monster Game PE4 Gold, JM Powerspell PE4 CL: RD/GD and few more). They all belong to brand “Jigging Master”, product type “Overhead”. They don’t add to the count too. If you filter by brand (a custom taxonomy) or product type (a sub product category) it doesn’t show those products added after the update. But they show up when using the price range slider.


    Thread Starter nacm


    Hi again. I have narrowed down the issue to “Listen catalog visibility”. it works when its set to false. As you know in woocommerce 3. is has changed visibility from meta_query to tax_query..

    I hope this is helpful when you update the plugin in the future. Do you have any quick fix for this issue. Which function/s should I change?



    Thank you for cooperation! ??

    in file \woocommerce-products-filter\index.php

    1) in function parse_query remove/comment this line:
    $meta_query = $this->listen_catalog_visibility($meta_query, true);
    and add this code( https://c2n.me/3JnyL7C.png ):
    $tax_query=$this->listen_catalog_visibility($tax_query, true);

    2) in function dynamic_count change code(name of array) – https://c2n.me/3Jnz7Tw.png

    3) in function get_meta_query remove/comment this line – https://c2n.me/3Jnzo7f.png

    4) in function woof_products add this code( https://c2n.me/3JnzPqc.png ) and change 1 variable in array $args

        // fix visibility    
            $tax_query= $this->get_tax_query($taxonomies);
            $tax_query= $this->listen_catalog_visibility($tax_query);

    Please do test.

    Thread Starter nacm


    Thanks, It works but has to change the tax query parameters as follows for 2nd step.
    `$args[‘tax_query’][] = array(
    ‘taxonomy’ => ‘product_visibility’,
    ‘field’ => ‘name’,
    ‘terms’ => ‘exclude-from-catalog’,
    ‘operator’ => ‘NOT IN’,

    Thank you very much


    Oh! Yes, thank you. You are right. My bad. ( I hurried ?? )

    Updated the WooCommerce version today to 3.0.2 and after that this plugin is throwing session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module: user (path: ) in wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-filter/classes/storage.php:26. The plugin was fine until the update of WooCommerce plugin. I’m using pantheon.io for hosting and already activated ‘wp-native-php-sessions’ plugin.

    Here’s the call-stack:

    #	Function	Location
    1	session_start()	/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-filter/classes/storage.php:26
    2	WOOF_STORAGE->__construct(session)	/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-filter/index.php:108
    3	WOOF->__construct()	/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-filter/index.php:2913
    4	unknown()	/wp-settings.php:304
    5	unknown()	/wp-config.php:161
    6	unknown()	/wp-load.php:37
    7	unknown()	/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:22


    Now I use WooCommerce 3.0.2 and WOOF ( ) – all works fine

    Fix for you – in file \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-products-filter\index.php

    Change session to transient – https://c2n.me/3Jwhpww.png

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