• Since the most recent update the tags and description do not appear to upload. The plugin seems to successfully load the sermon to the right location on the server but the link to the sermon and the player do not work. If I click on the link icon for the sermon it takes me to a page that says “not found”. The forum for the plugin itself appears to be broken. Is the author no longer updating this plugin? Should I be looking for an alternative?


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  • It’s really not a wordpress problem. The programmer of the plugin used a function inside the scripting language PHP which has been removed in versions higher than 5.5

    Extrafino, you wouldn’t happen to have a copy of the file you can place on github or some other service to save me and a lot of other people the pain and anguish replacing and messing with the PHP would you? While I can mess with PHP its not something I relish doing.


    Try this: https://www.simbahosting.co.uk/tmp/sermon-browser.

    I’ve not had time to test it myself (today is hugely busy), but I’ve replaced all the necessary functions. The author seemed to have used mysql_real_escape_string() as a general escaping function – not just for database stuff. So, some were better replaced with other things than $wpdb->prepare().

    I’m not subscribed to this thread (again, the busyness), but may/should check later.


    Tried it out just now and it certainly fixes the problem of deleting unattached files with blank names.

    Just thought I would add an update with other locations that need files updated with the mysql_real_escape_string and replace with $wpdb->prepare



    And I can now confirm that David Anderson’s fix also makes the sermon-browser plugin add sermons correctly. Many thanks.

    Should we somehow get together and collaborate on the modified version on a place like github?

    I am not really a programmer, I just tried to make the plugin work again.
    The current version does not really use any of the new capabilities of wordpress, but Version 2 looks dead too.
    Maybe we could try keeping the old version running and check out making a completely new plugin for future use.

    Okay I’m super late to this party…just now trying some of these suggestions and making a bit of a mess of things. Would like to try David’s fix – how does that work? Do I just FTP the zip file or try to overwrite it within WordPress?

    Alternatively, has anyone found a plug-in that you like better than this and is updated?

    I’m trying the provide FIX above and will report back.

    In the meantime, here’s what I’ve found as alternate solutions…



    Unfortunately, that’s all folks…

    I’ve been struggling with this issue too. We had the first problem mentioned in this thread, and solved it by removing sermon browser and then installing it again from the zip file David Anderson graciously posted above, which he designated as version It was working well on PHP 5.6.

    That fixed the problem for a while. But now, seemingly out-of-nowhere, on our “Add Sermons” Page in the admin, we have this error:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in {PATH}sermon-browser/sb-includes/admin.php on line 2238 and defined in {PATH}/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1210
    (above, I’ve inserted {PATH} in place of our actual absolute path to those files).

    Any thoughts? Or has anyone else had this happen?

    I know we’re going to need a long term solution, I just don’t know what it is yet. We have thousands of sermons and the idea of switching to a new plugin is daunting.

    At this point, I’m looking to hire a developer who can update this plugin or save our data and migrate it into some other solution. We just have so many sermons, the thought of starting over is terrible. And it’s not working at all right now. Are any other users now encountering that “missing argument 2” error?

    Anyway, if anyone with plugin development experience would like to discuss doing this job, please post a way that I can contact you.


    I’m not subscribed to this thread, but springdale contacted me directly. I’ve now corrected the issue identified in springdale’s post two up from here, https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/not-working-with-wp-411-412?replies=26#post-7528161

    Fixed version:




    Thanks again for your help despite your busy schedule, that worked perfectly for us and we’re up and running again.

    For others on the thread who have been using Sermon Browser, I’d be interested to hear if you are using something different now and how the switch has gone?


    Thank you SO much springdale for reaching out to David Anderson for all of us!!! This saved me so much time! Thank you David Anderson!

    Happy to help. I also received an email this morning from Mark Barnes, the creator of Sermon Browser. He indicated that he is now able to work on the plugin, and that within a week or so he thinks they may have the plugin officially updated.

    If/when that happens, I’d just like to point out to everyone that it is possible to donate to the Sermon Browser plugin. I personally do believe in trying to contribute monetarily to these developers since I can’t contribute in terms of labor (I’m not a coder!). So I’d ask active users of the plugin to consider that, as I know our organization will as well.

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