@sassymama this WordPress forum is a place where web site administrators who are using the WordPress plugin “12 Step Meeting List” can ask questions of the developer and community for help with getting the WordPress plugin working.
People like myself manage a website; in my case, for a Central Office in California.
You are correct that there is a companion app, Meeting Guide, which you can get for your smartphone. But they are two different things. “12 Step Meeting List” (TSML for short) in how we put the meetings into our web sites. The app, Meeting Guide, is how smartphones show the meetings, on the phone, sorted by GPS location. So one is input, and the other output. Technically, TSML creates several forms of output; some for WordPress, some for file output, and even some .pdf for printing. Another way to think of it is that TSML is the publishing engine, and Meeting Guide is the subscriber.
So if you are looking at how to add a link in your meeting on your web site, this WordPress forum is the right place to be. But if you are more just looking for online meetings, you might be interested in https://aa-intergroup.org/directory.php
I hope this helps. ??