Nothing seems to optimize, debug log shows “metadata is missing, requeueing”
I have the plugin installed, I’ve copied the binaries to wp-content/ewww and made sure they are 755. I can run –help on the binaries and they work.
I’ve enabled PNG to JPEG.
The following is what I noticed:
1) When I go to the media library and upload a PNG, it doesn’t get converted
2) When I upload a JPEG, it doesn’t seem to get any optimization at all.Here’s what the debug log says:
EWWW IO version: 302.0
WP version: 4.5.2
PHP version: 50310
attachment id: 303542
this is a newly uploaded image with no metadata yet
WP (filtered) thinks the file is at: /www/website/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/89683414308_0_ALB.jpg
retrieved file path: /www/website/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/89683414308_0_ALB.jpg
testing mimetype: /www/website/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/89683414308_0_ALB.jpg
finfo_file: image/jpeg
resizing image from media library or attached to post
backgrounding optimization for 303542
16-10-15 01:08:23.000000
background processing 303540, type: image/jpeg
metadata is missing, requeueing 3=======================================================
What’s interesting is that in the Plugin Status it never shows that optipng, jpegtran and gifsicle are enabled. see here:
Yet the debug log finds and says they are enabled:
Checking/Installing tools in /www/website/public_html/wp-content/ewww/
wp-content/ewww permissions: 0775
CPU architecture: amd64
generated paths:
enabled: jpegtran
enabled: optipng
enabled: gifsicle
=========================================================Am I doing something wrong?
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