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  • Plugin Author LiteSpeed Technologies


    Hi RwkY,

    How did you see this message? In a debug log, through xdebug, etc?

    If it is something that you cannot disable/get rid of, let me know.

    Originally, we defined it, but it caused problems in some sites where if LSCWP_CTRL was set, it showed an incorrect page.

    We are looking into this issue and will hopefully have a fix for this soon.


    I was debuging for a plugin and noticed it.

    was using
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

    Plugin Author LiteSpeed Technologies


    Hi RwkY,

    Thank you for letting us know.

    As it sounds like you’re a developer as well, I’ll explain further.
    If the front page is set to a static page, there is some logic in the query_vars functionality where if a custom query var is matched, the front page shows recent posts rather than the static page.

    In our case, we added LSCWP_CTRL. Using LSCWP_CTRL=SHOWHEADERS as an example, it showed me that is_frontpage() actually returns false when the query var is added, but is_home() returns true. This is not the expected behavior, so we left the query_vars logic off for now as it works.

    Hope this answers your question.

    OK, thank you.

    I payed my host provider for access to this system, I’m happy with it, but would like to know if it’s OK to combine it with WP Super Cache.

    Weird thing is that if I do that (from my test) the page load goes considerably faster, but in time (as my hosting provider told me), it creates heavy load in the server.

    Can you check out that?

    Thank you for your time and keep up the work!

    Plugin Author LiteSpeed Technologies


    The two caches should not be enabled at the same time.

    Are there certain pages that are loading faster when both are enabled?

    One theory is that Super Cache does a cache pre-load. This may result in faster pages because they are pre cached, but will cause significant load on the server.

    Homepage for sure, on posts it depends on the content, but you can still see a 20% higher page speed.

    At the moment it’s OK, I’m running 500+ live visitors with under 3s page load, as long as it’s under 4s, I’m happy.

    Thank you for your time!

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