I’m sure the plugin author is capable of making another mouse click to read other threads.
By keeping them to separate threads, it further allows the developer to work through them and report on, and mark off progress, on each one as he goes.
I don’t know if esmi and mrmist are developers at all, but getting information about a specific bug, and being able to mark it as [resolved] once it’s been addressed, is far easier and more accurate (and more typical of a development workflow) when they are one issue per thread, than all mixed in together, irrespective of who, or when, those bugs were reported.
While Trac and this forum are clearly different media, the plugin author did specifically ask me to report the bugs on here, meaning that the purpose of the forum and Trac are the same (to convey feedback to a developer) in this instance, hence, it is most sensible to follow the same policies as Trac.