Notice: wc_get_template was called incorrectly.
Getting errors on emails recived.
This is what happens on taking the following steps:
1. Customise an email, specifically the ‘order is now complete’ email. Then we send ourselves a test email from your plugin cutomiser. Works fine. The email we get shows the billing and shipping info for the customer fine.
2. Send order/invoice email from the woo order screen and/or mark and order as complete and hit send order details action button and then the following message is displayed in the resulting email recieved:
Notice: wc_get_template was called incorrectly. /home/sites/****/app/plugins/email-template-customizer-for-woo/includes/templates/empty-file.php does not exist. Backtrace: edit_post, wp_update_post, wp_insert_post, do_action('save_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes->save_meta_boxes, do_action('woocommerce_process_shop_order_meta'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WC_Meta_Box_Order_Data::save, WC_Order->save, WC_Order->status_transition, do_action('woocommerce_order_status_completed'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WC_Emails::send_transactional_email, do_action_ref_array('woocommerce_order_status_completed_notification'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WC_Email_Customer_Completed_Order->trigger, WC_Email->get_content, WC_Email_Customer_Completed_Order->get_content_html, wc_get_template_html, wc_get_template, include('/plugins/email-template-customizer-for-woo/includes/templates/ in /home/sites/****/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5229
The above code is diaplyed BEFRE the billing and shipping information. The issue even happens for non customised emails.
Strange, sending an preview test email for order complete works fine BUT when you go to woo > oder screen > send order info action then the above happens.
Not workable for a live site ?? please can you help and fix?
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