Habilitei o Log, e essa foi a mensagem que apareceu
08-29-2017 @ 00:09:45 – Generating payment hash for order 1603
08-29-2017 @ 00:09:45 – Hash data for order 1603: Array
[order_number] => 1603
[order_total] => 4.77
[description] => Pedido 1603
[customer_name] => Mayara de Sá
[registration] => 01
[document] => 02815637723
[address] => Avenida Oliveira Belo
[neighborhood] => Vila da Penha
[zipcode] => 21221300
[city] => Rio de Janeiro
[state] => RJ
[expiry] => 02092017
[return_url] =>
[note_line1] => Após o pagamento envie o comprovante para [email protected] ou [email protected]
[note_line2] => Após o 4o dia o boleto estará vencido e será cancelado automaticamente, caso n?o haja pagamento.
[note_line3] =>
08-29-2017 @ 00:09:45 – Error while creating the payment hash for order 1603: Nota (linha 1) inválida. N?o pode ter mais de 60 caracteres.
08-29-2017 @ 02:52:44 – Processing payment status for order 1603
08-29-2017 @ 02:52:44 – Requesting payment details for order 1603
08-29-2017 @ 02:52:45 – Request data of payment details for order 1603: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″?><!DOCTYPE consulta [<!ELEMENT consulta (PARAMETER)><!ELEMENT PARAMETER (PARAM)+><!ELEMENT PARAM EMPTY><!ATTLIST PARAM ID CDATA #REQUIRED VALUE CDATA #REQUIRED>]><consulta><PARAMETER><PARAM ID=”CodEmp” VALUE=”J0048591080001950000025987″/><PARAM ID=”Pedido” VALUE=”00001603″/><PARAM ID=”Valor” VALUE=””/><PARAM ID=”tipPag” VALUE=”00″/><PARAM ID=”sitPag” VALUE=”03″/><PARAM ID=”dtPag” VALUE=””/><PARAM ID=”codAut” VALUE=””/><PARAM ID=”numId” VALUE=””/><PARAM ID=”compVend” VALUE=””/><PARAM ID=”tipCart” VALUE=””/></PARAMETER>
08-29-2017 @ 02:52:45 – Payment details for order 1603 requested successfully: Array
[payment_type] => 00
[status] => 03