• M_Bernard


    Dear Customizr Forum Crew
    I’m a novice ‘Visual editor’ (We’re almost finished with this website(under wrapping until launch),
    Update: I upgraded to Customizr Pro. The upload stripped all live pages. Only left slider and the two Post. No featured images, I couldn’t recall page order, menu, etc. found The Media library and page editor with all 27 pages still intact. So…
    I called Hosting Service and had them re-establish the Olde Customizer Theme adequate for now. Don’t need the tasks the upgrade seems to have presented at my skill level.

    Here is Process which seems to be broken and need resolved:
    Here is Process which seems to be broken and need resolved:

    Re: Three Featured Images, on (Home) Page
    I need the three feature images to accomodate; one ‘square’ static image and two ‘square’ animated GIF’s with text. They all were square & working for the developer (Who’s gone on his Honey Moon) >

    Here are the steps I took trying to edit the Featured Images >
    (Click’d) “Edit Featured Pages” (Cool New Button) >
    (Click’d): Content: home,post,… >
    (Click’d): Post lists : blog,archives,…>
    (Scroll’d to) THUMBNAILS OPTIONS >
    (Select’d) Thumbnails shape (from drop down) >
    (I Choose): >’Squared, no expansion’ (versus) Rounded, expand on hover.
    (Click’d) Save & Publish..
    !!! They did not update to my ‘square’ selection. Tried the others, none worked except ‘Rounded,expand on hover’ (Default ?)
    Is it broken?
    Please fix this little bug and advise, bread crumbs will suffice.
    Thank You, Bernard

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