jonimueller – You make some great points, _if_ mildly biased. ?? At this point I’d like to “dabble” in both aspects of a CMS, the design as well as the content. WordPress bothers me b/c a) you’re right, I don’t know PHP, and b) while I am pretty profitiant in CSS, WP’s template manipulates it almost _too_ much, some attributes are apparently embedded in the PHP to an extent. I know all I have to do is go and tweak specified CSS tag, but I’d be more comfortable with something like Greymatter does: you have a piece of code that represents, say, the comment link or the body of the post, and you can embed it in any styling code you want, no fuss. Again, it’s probably largely due to my lack of PHP knowledge, but I don’t like that WordPress isn’t similarly customizable. Am I just missing something? Is it really as easy as all that?
codergurl – What specifically didn’t you like about Nucleus? (I’ll give you the name’s a bit cheesy…)
Thanks, everyone, for your feedback.