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  • Plugin Author pgn4web


    Thanks for reporting the issue.

    About nullmoves, the appropriate tag is — (two dash) while in your example you use only one dash.

    About the zugzwang NAG before the first move, I have to think about that… most NAGs are associated to a move, so there’s nothing to associate to before the first move… I have to think about that.

    Thread Starter squarology


    You’re right, the null move does work. I added another pair of dashes so it’s like this: 4. —- before I was just using one pair of dashes like this 4. — but it didn’t work. How very strange.

    It’s a wordpress theme issue apparently: I’ll ask the company that made my template. They’ll be able to help me with that.


    Plugin Author pgn4web


    Did a bit more of analysis.

    1) about the nullmove: automatically replaces two dashes with the em-dash char (& #8211;); it’s not your template. Not sure why wordpress would do that, but I’ll implement a workaround in the next version of the plugin

    2) about NAG before the first move, I’m not sure they make any sense, but it’s incorrect for pgn4web to suppress them arbitrarily; this should also be fixed in the next version of the plugin

    Some more test needed, not sure when the next version of the plugin will appear… it might take few weeks.

    Thread Starter squarology


    Wooohooo! Good news. You rock!

    Plugin Author pgn4web


    More info.

    About the nullmove issue: there’s a feature for disabling beautification of text inside shortcode tags; I have some code that should be enough for your case however the general resolution depends on this bug being addressed:

    About the starting NAG: there’s some updated code you could try if you are brave enough. Locate the this file in your wordpress installation:
    Replace the file with the one downloaded from here:
    Empty your browser cache and reload your pages.
    If you try this, please let me know if the NAG problem is solved.

    Plugin Author pgn4web


    If you also want to try the nullmove fix (stopping from changing double dashes in the PGN text), locate the this file in your wordpress installation:
    Replace the file with the one downloaded from here:
    Empty your browser cache and reload your pages.
    Again, if you try this, please let me know if the nullmove problem is solved.

    Thread Starter squarology


    Thank you very much, it works brilliantly.

    Null moves work without a single problem. Before I was using $static_characters = array_merge( array( /*'---', ' -- ', '--', ' - ', 'xn–',*/ '...', '`’, ‘\’\”, ‘ ™’ ), $cockney );
    $static_replacements = array_merge( array( /*$em_dash, ‘ ‘ . $em_dash . ‘ ‘, $en_dash, ‘ ‘ . $en_dash . ‘ ‘, ‘xn--‘, */’…’, $opening_quote, $closing_quote, ‘ ™’ ), $cockneyreplace );`

    But then I reverted to the default and applied your update and it works great.

    The NAGs on the first move also work well though one thing puzzles me. It’s the comment color. My comment color is blue but the zugzwang at the beginning is black. But if I put it after a few NAGs then it ends up being blue. Here, the bottom game (Ruy vs Berlin) shows what I’m talking about (move 8): I’m guessing some NAGs simply start off the same color as the text and nothing can be done about it.

    Also, if you look on that page and that game (Ruy vs Berlin) on move 6, I tried to put the bishop piece in a comment with unicode but it came out like the arial(?) bishop. How do I write the pgn4web default bishop piece? On moves 4 & 10 I did it by writing Re1 & Ng5-f7 respectively so if I write the notation I can get it but is there a way to just write a piece without putting notation beside it? I hope that made sense.

    Thanks again for everything!

    Plugin Author pgn4web


    About the NAG color, it’s a design choice: when certain NAGs are right after a move, they are merged with the move and get the move color. When they are within a comment, they get the comment color. The NAG before any move is a kind of exception, I think I might have changed the behavior since you downloaded the new file, so you might try to download both files again and see if still ok.

    About the bishop, when pgn4web detects a “move pattern” within a comment, it formats that move text using figurines, hence Bd4 gets the Bishop char while Bp4 does not. Also an isolated B does not get translated, how could pgn4web know whether you meant a Bishop or the initial for Bob?
    Also note, pgn4web does not use the unicode char for Bishop, that would break cut&paste of the game text into a text editor.

    At the moment there’s no facility for showing a bishop char standalone in a comment, so “intending to capture the B” would not get the bishop char; often you can workaround that by saying “intending to capture the Bh6”; a piece initial with its square looks like a move and gets translated.

    Thread Starter squarology


    thanks, Paolo ??

    Plugin Author pgn4web


    Both problems should be fixed with the new plugin version 2.85.00

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