Hi Josef,
OK, we setup two test sites and ran the same checks you described above…we don’t see the same results, unfortunately. Here’s what my developer said:
My test setup has 2 listings and 14 form fields. I used Query Monitor and obtained the following results:
View Core Version SELECT queries UPDATE queries SHOW queries
Main page (with listings) 3.7.5 75 1 2
View Listings 3.7.5 65 1 2
Main page (with listings) master 76 0 0
View Listings 4.1RC12 66 0 0
My findings are that things are basically the same. In fact, 4.x doesn't do the per-page UPDATE and 2 SHOW lookups that 3.7.x executed, which is better for performance.
That makes sense since I don't recall modifying database code this way during development of 4.0. Something else might be at play here. Another plugin or theme, or an object caching system, something...
4.x does modify how we integrate to the main query, so that might be triggering a different behavior from other plugin or even the theme... but queries directly executed by BD should be basically the same in 3.x and 4.x.
Can you please try a conflict test and see if the queries are affected by having certain plugins or your theme active?
Here is an article about how to test for theme and plugin conflicts with Business Directory, which may help pinpoint the issue: https://businessdirectoryplugin.com/support-forum/faq/how-to-check-for-plugin-and-theme-conflicts-with-bd/
Please let me know.