Thanks for sharing the url. You have a very nice colorful and informative website.
Now coming back to the issue, the share count for twitter(718) and Google plus(18) that you see on your home page is actually the share count for your home page(https://www.houstononthecheap.com/) and not the individual post. If you visit any of the individual posts you will find the share count different. Say for example if you visit the post ‘Free Houston zoo after 2 pm’ (https://www.houstononthecheap.com/free-houston-zoo-free-lego-build) you will find the share count is 27 and 3 for twitter and Google plus resp.
As for now now the plugin can’t show the share count for individual posts on listing page. By default it will show the share count for the url of the page being viewed.
We’ll surely try to fix this in forthcoming version of the plugin.
Thanks & Regards,
Perials Team.