Hi, I’ve found I’m having this same problem as well, as of three days ago when I tried logging in to my admin account (https://rivalhearts.com/wp-admin)
I hadn’t been on in about three weeks before then, so I don’t know exactly when this started. I don’t believe I’d updated any plug-ins or themes at that time, though. I’m running comicpress, but I seem to be the only one I know of using this theme that is having this problem.
The site itself is running just fine, I just can’t log in to WP. Or rather, when I do log in, I get the “Object moved. Object may be found here.” error rather than my WP dashboard.
I’m a window 7 user and have tried to log in from IE, Firefox and Chrome, and I’ve asked two friends to try from their computers with the same response.
I’ve seen in other posts that plugins might be causing similar kinds of problems; however, I don’t know how to disable them without having access to my Dashboard (unless I use the FTP connection and delete the files.)
I would greatly appreciate any help you wonderful staff members could give in helping to resolve this. If you need further information from me, please let me know!
Thanks so much!