Hello @shahin and @neolondon. There is a conflict between OceanWP and Elementor Smooth Scroll, they attach an event to <a href="#whatever">
at the same time and when anchor is clicked they are both triggered causing this strange behavior.
It’s default JS and can’t be disabled:
themes\oceanwp\assets\js\theme.vanilla.js: lines 2379>2386
plugins\elementor\assets\js\frontend.js: 1542 > 1561
Is it possible to add smooth scroll as optional in Theme Panel > Scripts and CSS?
Meanwhile, as an ugly solution, you can search and replace this code in oceanwp\assets\js\theme.vanilla.min.js . This will disable OceanWP smooth scroll on anchors. Take in mind that you should do this replacement again when you update OceanWP theme.
forEach(function(e) { e.addEventListener("click", (0, r.default)(l, f)) }
forEach(function(e) { /*e.addEventListener("click",(0, r.default)(l, f))*/ }
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by