Well, after further review, that file is included with WP3.8+, but, after reviewing several sites running WP3.8+, none are showing that the file is ‘active’ when a scan is done at Sucuri. An old post (that I linked you too), was warning that this file did not appear to belong, and I am unsure if in fact it should be ‘active’ at default setup.
Just for safety (and sanity), I would perform a full extended manual upgrade per:
We want to remove all WP core files and replace them with known unedited files from a current download. That is all WP files in root (of wp install) except .htaccess and wp-config.php, the two folders wp-admin and wp-includes. Do not touch wp-content at this time.
Once that is done, test site and all functionality.
If that does not do it, you should:
1. Rename the whole plugins folder to old-plugins.
2. Rename all theme folders to old-theme_folder_name.
3. Upload a fresh version of twentythirteen or twentyfourteen.
4. We are now sure that all files are fresh, an unedited theme is in place, & that no plugins are active.
5. Test site and all functionality.