Hey @tancredi,
Thanks for reaching out!
Just wondering is it possible to offer All in one seo in the front end to my visitors?
Could you confirm what you mean by offer All in one seo in the front end to my visitors?
If you want your visitors to use All in One SEO from the front end, unfortunately, All in One SEO works in the backend of the website and only outputs its data on the front end.
However, you can suggest your visitors use our Chrome extension to quickly get a detailed SEO report of any page. Here’s a guide with more details –
Also I’ve read that it breaks DIVI is that the case?
All in One SEO is compatible with Divi and we don’t have any such known issues.
In fact, we also have a visual builder integration with Divi. You can read more about this here –
Please let me know if you have any questions.