• My site needs to run several cron jobs that take up a lot of resources, so my VPS is under heavy load ??

    The cron jobs mostly retrieve files, process them and saves data to the database, i.e. they don’t interact with WP itself.

    I have therefore thought about offloading these cron jobs to somewhere else like an AWS server, but it’s not something I have tried before.

    Anyone have experience offloading cron jobs or similar to somewhere else. Preferably somewhere managed, so I don’t need to worry about installing/maintaining anything besides my own code.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
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  • Hi

    This doesn’t sound like a WordPress specific question? Perhaps you would get more help on a general help forum like StackExchange.

    What you suggest is entirely feasible, if set up correctly database can be accessed remotely or replicated and file systems remotely mounted via SSHFS or synced by rsync

    Thread Starter Mads Phikamphon


    Good point. It’s not WP specific. Let me close this one and ask in StackExchange instead.

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