• Resolved enforces


    I have a problem with og:description. I updated plugin to the newest version and my og:description looks like:

    <meta property=”og:description” content=”WszyscydoskonalewiemyjakwanajestprawidowahigienajamyustnejWanietrwaakcjapromocyjnaColgatewktrejmonaodebradarmowszczoteczkdozbwWarunkiemodbiorudarmowejszczoteczkijestzakupieniedowolnegoproduktuColgatenppyndopukaniaustpastadozbwNaleyzachowadowdzakupuparagonlubfakturawypeniformularziodebraspecjalnykodktryupowaniadoodbiorudarmowejszczoteczkiColgateSlimSoftSzczoteczkmonaodebrawyczniewwybranymgabineciestomatologicznymSzczoteczkaColgateSlimSoftwsklepiekosztujeok14PLNCharakteryzujesi17razycieszymwosiemprzezcoszczotkowaniezbwjestdelikatniejszeCieszewknazapewniajtakelepszydostpdowszystkichszczelinmidzyzbowychiobszarwwzduliniidziseDziekiczemuatwiejjestusunresztkipokarmwipytknazbntworzckamiePodczasodbieraniadarmowejszczoteczkidozbwudentystymonaskorzystazdarmowegoprzegldustanuzbwAbyskorzystaztejopcjinaleyumwisiwgabinecienatakwizytPromocjarozdawaniadarmowychszczoteczekdozbwjestograniczonaczasowoitrwado10maja2015rstrongFirmaColgatestrongColgatePalmoliveCompanytoamerykaskimidzynarodowykoncernprodukujcyartykuygospodarstwadomowegomydodetergentypastyiszczoteczkidozbwProwadzidziaalnowponad200krajachnacaymwiecieFirmazostaazaoonaw1806rokuajejgwnasiedzibamiecisiwNowymJorkuObecniezaliczanajestdowiodcychproducentwzkategoriizdrowiajamyustnejpielgnacjiciaaorazrodkwczystoci”/>

    link to source: https://zakupersi.com/promocja/darmowa-szczoteczka-do-zebow-colgate/

    How resolve this problem?


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  • Plugin Author socialdude


    Thanks Maggzy, please wait for the update we’ll release later this week.

    Thanks. It’s fine with facebook as I can edit the description but with Google+ I don’t have that option. All the posts I share now until the update, will their description be updated? Or will I have to re-share?

    Plugin Author socialdude


    If you need it now, could you please check if it works fine with this plugin? https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/

    No difference.

    Plugin Author socialdude


    Ok, what’s your blog url?


    I got rid of the PLUS one as there was no difference but if you like i can place it back in there.

    Plugin Author socialdude


    I cannot see the facebook share activated there. In any case, please wait for the new plugin version to get released.

    option 6 (sharelinks below posts) has a separate addthis button. In my opinion it would be better to show there only the used icons and addthis only as an option.

    Regards RS

    Hi. I’m having the same error as the first guy. My og descriptors are like too long.

    I tried using the code below as you mentioned:

    //sanitizing values
    function string_sanitize {
    $result = preg_replace(“/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/”, “”, html_entity_decode($s, ENT_QUOTES));
    return $result;

    But the plugin deactivates itself due to a fatal error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘{‘, expecting ‘(‘ in /home/fitandwr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/ultimate_social_media_icons.php on line 137

    I also can’t activate it unless I bring back the original function name which then messes up my description. The first guy fixed it so I’m assuming I did something wrong.

    Did I miss something?


    Plugin Author socialdude


    Thanks Anima, as mentioned above we’ll release a new plugin shortly which has this fixed.

    Not funny, that you didnt fix the og meta problem and build it as an option :/ I can only say it once again. its not neccessary that the plugin has og metas per default, because most blogs have a seo plugin for this or its integrated in theme. please make it to an option and fix the incorrect output of og description while using the_excerpt() or a clean output of the_content() ( strip tags, clean html and s.o.) thx. wp has functions for this included, you dont need to sanitize it through your own function ??

    Regards, Ronny

    Plugin Author socialdude


    Thanks Ronny, the plugin we’ll upload on Monday should have this fixed. Actually – if you send me an email to “support at ultimatelysocial dot com” I can send it to you and you can check if all is ok? That would be great! Rgds, John

    its enougth to wait for the fix nevt week, for now i deactivated the add_action again ??

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