Gangleri, I’m replying to your comment more than 24 hours after you posted it. As I type this, I am doubtful you will read this. Think about it. Do you ever check the post you made five days ago ( e.g., ) for new messages? I checked your favourites RSS and this topic and that one aren’t in it.
In fact I have no means to let you know I need you on this or that topic — or any topic here for that matter.
What sort of efficient support forum is this?
I’m not just talking to Gangleri. I’m talking to everyone here.
I checked a couple of moderators’ favourites RSSes and they were all empty of recent replies. Therefore, the moderators don’t have “200 favourites”. What sort of forum has no internal means to contact individual moderators?
A broken one.
This brokenness is probably okay if this forum is chatter about Justin Timberlake’s latest music and concerts. Or about’s photography.
No. Each topic here must be treated as a “support ticket”, which it is.
But let me get to the Gangleri’s point:
> However the problem has long been solved I still get an email notification when somebody comments on that post.
Internet forum software have had a “post notification” feature since 1996 — the hallmark that time is called UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board). Gangleri, in case you haven’t used a Internet bulletin board all your life and have never checked “Notify me if there is a new post in this thread” in one, let me teach you how it works. When you check such a box, yes, you will receive an email when someone comments on that thread. The standard format of that email ALWAYS has an “Stop notifying me” unsubscribe link at the bottom. So people can and do bail out when they no longer care. Unwanted messages are never a problem.
What is a problem here is a LACK OF MESSAGES.
Can a kind reader please pass this message to Matt Mullenweg? I think he expects us to put each topic we reply to to our favourites. That’s strange, because I checked his favourites RSS and he obviously isn’t doing it.
Have a nice day.