Hello Ndre,
Thank you also for your long and detailed reply to my feedback.
The only place where all the HTML tags are removed is a short description displayed on product listing when you have the Classic List selected. This is actually intentional as in most cases we don’t need there any additional styling or HTML markup that we want to display on product page.
Unfortunately, the styling of the “short product description” on the catalogue preview is exactly what I needed in order to get best seamless integration into my theme.
To show what I’m talking about, please visit:
(I will leave it unlocked over the weekend, still in dev state atm.)
To assume, that a styling is simply not needed is simply wrong from my point of view. We have bought the “Classic List with Button” Plugin during this week, which I thought would solve the problem – but it didn’t.
(I can proof it by showing the API Key.)
When the product description is pretty short, like in my case, you are wasting too much space in the product view, with the list approach in my opinion.
The second link I have provided is a product catalogue, coded by hand.
It comes with a link to the details page, and a lightbox in the product overview.
I’m a native German speaker, and the German translation has a decend amount single/plural forms (which is understandable since others consider German to a difficult language). I will digg into that and help with the translation if I can.
Thanks for the hint to change some hooks and filters. Maybe that is my solution.
However, thank you for your polite reply – I really appreciate it. Thank you! Keep up the good work.