• I really like the plugin and it fits the bill of what my website needs WITH THE EXCEPTION of issues with sitemap. I am using shortcodes to display my albums (album_id = 1,2). Only two images get indexed that are face of the album.
    Is there a way to index all my images?
    I tried using Yoast SEO , and Google sitemap for images but they are not of much help.
    This is very frustrating ?? If there isn’t any solution available, pls guide me to right direction to start fixing/building this functionality.

    Best Regards


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @Scorpious – Generating a sitemap of all of the album images would require each album to generate all of its sub-albums and galleries, then generate their respective galleries and images and have all of those more or less statically available to crawl across to create the sitemap as I understand you are looking to do.

    Unfortunately this is not a part of the current NextGEN Gallery structures but is definitely worth looking into as a Feature Request. Possibly something to build a bridge across to one (or more) of the current popular sitemap building plugins.

    Please feel free to add your thoughts on this idea on our Feature Request form here: https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/feature-voting/


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Scorpious


    Thanks Cias,
    The problem is just not with the album short code but even with gallery thumbnail view shortcode as well.
    I understand it is turning out to be a featured request. In the interim, it would be great if you can direct me in direction of changes that can result in a solution (preferably with Yoast). I will then contribute the solution to either plugin whichever requires modification.
    Thanks again!

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @Scorpious – Unfortunately I do not have more to offer at this time in regards to what code changes you could be considering. As noted above, the structure is almost dynamic and from a high level overview I would approach it along the lines I have described previously.

    This is not necessarily a new Feature Request in the sense that others have asked for similar functionality it just has not been made a priority above other items and issues we are trying to address first.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Scorpious


    Here is the updated code for “\plugins\nextgen-gallery\products\photocrati_nextgen\modules\ngglegacy\lib\sitemap.php”

    Please note that this is for nextgen 2.0 shortcodes. Also at this point the code only respects “album_ids” “gallery_ids”, and “image_ids”. I have not coded for “exclusions” and “category” attributes etc.

    * Main PHP Class for XML Image Sitemaps
    * @author 		Alex Rabe
    * @version      1.0
    * @copyright 	Copyright 2011
    class nggSitemaps {
        var $images	= array();
         * nggSitemaps::__construct()
         * @return
        function __construct() {
            add_filter('wpseo_sitemap_urlimages', array( &$this, 'add_wpseo_xml_sitemap_images'), 10, 2);
         * Filter support for WordPress SEO by Yoast 0.4.0 or higher ( https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wordpress-seo/ )
         * @since Version 1.8.0
         * @param array $images
         * @param int $post ID
         * @return array $image list of all founded images
        function add_wpseo_xml_sitemap_images( $images, $post_id )  {
            $this->images = $images;
            // first get the content of the post/page
            $p = get_post($post_id);
            // Backward check for older images
            $p->post_content = NextGEN_Shortcodes::convert_shortcode($p->post_content);
            // Don't process the images in the normal way
            // We cannot parse at this point a album, just galleries & single images
    		C_NextGen_Shortcode_Manager::add( 'singlepic', array(&$this, 'add_images' ) );
    		C_NextGen_Shortcode_Manager::add( 'thumb', array(&$this, 'add_images' ) );
    		C_NextGen_Shortcode_Manager::add( 'nggallery', array(&$this, 'add_gallery') );
    		C_NextGen_Shortcode_Manager::add( 'imagebrowser', array(&$this, 'add_gallery' ) );
    		C_NextGen_Shortcode_Manager::add( 'slideshow', array(&$this, 'add_gallery' ) );
            // KS-start: Code to accept new shortcode
            C_NextGen_Shortcode_Manager::add( 'ngg_images', array(&$this, 'add_ngg_images_tag' ) );
            // KS-end: Code to accept new shortcode
            // Search now for shortcodes
            do_shortcode( $p->post_content );
            return $this->images;
         * Parse the gallery/imagebrowser/slideshow shortcode and return all images into an array
         * @param string $atts
         * @return
        function add_gallery( $atts ) {
            global $wpdb;
                'id'        => 0
            ), $atts ));
            // backward compat for user which uses the name instead, still deprecated
            if( !is_numeric($id) )
                $id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare ("SELECT gid FROM $wpdb->nggallery WHERE name = '%s' ", $id) );
            $images = nggdb::get_gallery($id, 'pid', 'ASC', true, 1000);
            foreach ($images as $image) {
                $newimage = array();
                $newimage['src']   = $newimage['sc'] = $image->imageURL;
                if ( !empty($image->title) )
                    $newimage['title'] = $image->title;
                if ( !empty($image->alttext) )
                    $newimage['alt']   = $image->alttext;
                $this->images[] = $newimage;
            return '';
         * Parse the single image shortcode and return all images into an array
         * @param array $atts
         * @return
        function add_images( $atts ) {
                'id'        => 0
            ), $atts ));
            // make an array out of the ids (for thumbs shortcode))
            $pids = explode( ',', $id );
            // Some error checks
            if ( count($pids) == 0 )
            $images = nggdb::find_images_in_list( $pids );
            foreach ($images as $image) {
                $newimage = array();
                $newimage['src']   = $newimage['sc'] = $image->imageURL;
                if ( !empty($image->title) )
                    $newimage['title'] = $image->title;
                if ( !empty($image->alttext) )
                    $newimage['alt']   = $image->alttext;
                $this->images[] = $newimage;
            return '';
    // KS-start: Code to accept new shortcode
        function add_ngg_images_tag( $atts ) {
            global $wpdb;
    	extract(shortcode_atts(array('image_ids' => 0,  'album_ids' => 1, 'gallery_ids' => 2), $atts ));
    	if ($image_ids!='' and $image_ids!=0){
    		// make an array out of the ids (for thumbs shortcode))
    		$pids = explode( ',', $image_ids );
    		// Some error checks
    		if ( count($pids) == 0 )
    		$images = nggdb::find_images_in_list( $pids );
    		return '';
    	if ($album_ids!='' and $album_ids!=0)
    		$gallery_ids = nggSitemaps::get_galleryIDs_from_albumID($album_ids);
    	if ($gallery_ids=='' or $gallery_ids==0)
    		return '';
    	$gallery_id_arr = explode(',',$gallery_ids);
    	foreach ($gallery_id_arr as $id) {
    		$images = nggdb::get_gallery($id, 'pid', 'ASC', true, 1000);
            return '';
       function get_galleryIDs_from_albumID($album_ids){
    	global $wpdb;
    	$albumRows = $wpdb->get_results ("SELECT sortorder FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ngg_album WHERE id IN (".$album_ids.")");
            $gallery_delim_ids = '';
    	if (empty ($albumRows)) {
    		return '';
    		foreach ($albumRows as $albumRow) {
    			$arrSortOrder = unserialize($albumRow->sortorder);
    			for($i=0; $i < count($arrSortOrder); $i++){
    				if($i != (count($arrSortOrder)-1)){
    					$gallery_delim_ids .= (int)$arrSortOrder[$i].", ";
    				}elseif($i == (count($arrSortOrder)-1)){
    					$gallery_delim_ids .= (int)$arrSortOrder[$i]."";
    	return $gallery_delim_ids;
       function add_to_global_images_array($images){
    	foreach ($images as $image) {
                $newimage = array();
                $newimage['src']   = $newimage['sc'] = $image->imageURL;
                if ( !empty($image->title) )
                    $newimage['title'] = $image->title;
                if ( !empty($image->alttext) )
                    $newimage['alt']   = $image->alttext;
                $this->images[] = $newimage;
    // KS-end: Code to accept new shortcode
    $nggSitemaps = new nggSitemaps();

    Only two images get indexed that are face of the album.
    Is there a way to index all my images?

    @scorpius, it’s not sitemap to index your posts, pages and images, but are search engines as Google. Sitemaps are good, but their job is only to create a more readable list of content for the robots, sitemap have no index power and Google index what he wants to and how many he wants to, sitemap or not.
    To me, Google indexes NGG images as much as the WP images, there is no difference, and I use the Yoast sitemap excluding ngg_tag taxonomy in the sitemap.
    Put name, title and description in your NGG images before leave them in the web, maybe put them in a page (pages goes in sitemap) and them will be indexed as the other images: i.e. at Google’s discretion.

    Thread Starter Scorpious


    Thanks for the input tizz. I understand that search engines should have indexed images anyway (i have all the meta data filled). But evidently they didn’t. Simple test was by checking number of indexed images in google webmaster OR even simpler google search results for images was showing 7 of 100+ images from my site.
    Evidently submitting sitemaps makes a difference. They all show up now with the updated code.
    A lot depends on robots file n stuff. Apparently this modified worked a charms for me.

    Thread Starter Scorpious


    Also there is a slight change in the code. Apparently Nextgen code is not PHP’s unserialize function. They have their custon unserialized funtion.

    Modify :

    $arrSortOrder = unserialize($albumRow->sortorder);


    $arrSortOrder = Ngg_Serializable::unserialize($albumRow->sortorder);

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