Well I found Shadowbox and installed it. The color choices are like a handful of color sets. I found Shadow Box options and I just don’t see any picture options for the widgets in either the default theme or shadowbox. There must be it just wants you to dig more for it I guess. I know I have read the possibilities are infinate with wp but I am not seeing them in the theme options.
I am not sure if redirecting folks from blogger account to my own domain would help me in rankings at all. Wouldn’t there really be a disconnect with the search engines as far as rankings? Unless you already had a following that would follow but my blogger account is only one week old and not set up completely yet. I think the search engines look at the domain name and they look at content and links you have for ranking. What site would they rank?
I don’t think this will not be a big commercial site but I would like to attract folks to it. Maybe it could be? So having folks be able to find the site is important. Can I do that with blogger? Will the rankings be harder to affect with blogger than with wp/bluehost? If they are equal as far as setting it up to attract visitors the same number of folks then blogger wins hands down for me. Is the shorter domain name and the utilities like SEO or linking with others the same or better with wp?
2) Also like the idea where I can make it feel more personal and that is why I like the minima so that folks will feel like it is more of a personal connection with personal blog like surroundings. The content should stand out, not all the designs. I use color and fonts and layout to make it easy to find things. Not too busy.
I know infinate possibilities is a good thing but I think sometimes it is overwhelming that is why I titled my post about the soldier who gets back and has so many choices of cereal he can’t make a decision. I want such a basic thing and I don’t even see it at wp and that has me confused if they are not even addressing that they what else are they avoiding? Here their biggest competitor uses a very popular template and they aren’t even providing one like it.
I am willing to learn up to a point and at this point I have no idea where that point is with this. Will this be another linux nightmare or will it be just learning a bit more to get desired results?
I have geek leanings but not super geek by any means. I do all the clean installs, replacing hardware, flashed the bios way back when even my instructors hadn’t. I can tear down the box and put it back before most. With blogger I could find so many places for an answer on something but here I am not so sure. Finding a basic template was not that successful.
Is there a good site that I should check out?
As far as the link to themeclubhouse there was no install at that link. I did search for it online through wp but the theme plastiques didn’t pull up. That is why I think they want me to buy the pdf for 27.00 to create it on my own.