• Resolved Pixelbart


    Hello Daan,

    Thank you for quickly responding to my too hastily written negative review. Let me say in advance that I can’t find the option I meant in my review, so I will edit the review again.

    I don’t know what problem I had with OMGF, which is why I apologize again.

    Now to the problem, including the steps I take:

    Themify: https://themify.me/

    Themify stops working as soon as I enable OMGF. If I click on Disable Concate CSS within Themify in the performance settings (caching, etc), then it works again.

    I have to add that it’s really not that important, since Themify regularly causes problems according to colleagues, possibly is also not a bug of OMGF, where the problem really only occurs when I enable OMGF.

    Possibly it is because of your pagescan that it somehow gets into query with Themify. In the browser console you will find nothing about it, usually it says which files can no longer be included, or cause 404.

    Maybe you see something directly, if not, not bad. Here my colleague must then find another solution for, so that everything works again.

    Thank you!

    Greetings Kevin

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author DaanvandenBergh


    Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for your support ticket! I see you’ve enabled Test Mode, which’ll make it easy for me te debug the issue.

    Today I’m spending a little time with the family, so I’ll get back to you Monday at the latest!

    Plugin Author DaanvandenBergh


    Hi again Kevin,

    Sorry for not getting back to you yet. My daughter (almost 2yo) final set of molars are coming in, so… it’s been a busy couple of days — to say the least.

    You’re on top of my list, though!

    Thread Starter Pixelbart


    No stress, family always comes first!

    I was also on vacation and needed some time off. Take your time.

    Yeah, we got the same problem with the combo themify and OMGF + the temporary “solution” on themify based projects is to deactivate OMGF + integrate the google fonts manually. :/

    @pixelbart do you also use Mailpoet on the projects with themify, OMGF + problems? I recently got a fatal error with all 3 activated, “just” a white page with disabled Mailpoet + with all active but OMGF it runs. But with all active but themify, too.

    I really think themify is a time killer, especially with several cache problems – and yeah, I know, every page builder has its pros + cons.

    Plugin Author DaanvandenBergh


    Hi guys,

    Just a quick update; I’m working on the compatibility with Themify, but I’ve got to be honest: it’s a doozy.

    I fixed one issue, where Themify generates (which it calls Concate, instead of Concatenate) a CSS file containing @font-face statements for each single subset. Seems kind of bloaty, but okay…

    Now, there’s another issue of the stylesheets and preloads disappearing from the HTML. Probably something with an output buffer…

    Anyway, I’m working on it!

    @pixelbart FYI: If you are using a Themify theme or Builder plugin, you can import Google Fonts to your server: https://share.getcloudapp.com/GGuKNodw at Themify > Custom Fonts. You don’t need a third party plugin for this.

    @daanvandenbergh – Let us know if you need any assistance or have any question.

    Thread Starter Pixelbart


    @akg-free Nope, we don’t use MailPoet. So I think that’s simply because something is buffered here, as @daanvandenbergh already wrote.

    @themifyme Thanks, but unfortunately that does not work. Even after clearing the cache, the CSS of Themify still includes the following:

    CSS File: themify-945985431.min.css
    CSS File first lines:

    @charset "UTF-8"; /* Themify Ultra 5.6.6 framework 5.6.2 */
    /* vietnamese */
    @font-face {
        font-family: 'Public Sans';
        font-style: italic;
        font-weight: 400;
        font-display: swap;
        src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/publicsans/v13/ijwTs572Xtc6ZYQws9YVwnNDTJPax9k0.woff2) format('woff2');
        unicode-range: U+0102-0103,U+0110-0111,U+0128-0129,U+0168-0169,U+01A0-01A1,U+01AF-01B0,U+1EA0-1EF9,U+20AB;
    /* latin-ext */
    @font-face {
        font-family: 'Public Sans';
        font-style: italic;
        font-weight: 400;
        font-display: swap;
        src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/publicsans/v13/ijwTs572Xtc6ZYQws9YVwnNDTJLax9k0.woff2) format('woff2');
        unicode-range: U+0100-024F,U+0259,U+1E00-1EFF,U+2020,U+20A0-20AB,U+20AD-20CF,U+2113,U+2C60-2C7F,U+A720-A7FF;

    The fonts have already been downloaded in Themify’s settings. But unfortunately that doesn’t work.

    Thanks to all the answers here, I think it’s great that so many can be found. Stay healthy and have a nice week!

    @pixelbart – Since you are using a premium Themify theme, do you mind to post on our support forum: https://themify.me/forum or via contact form: https://themify.me/contact.

    We would need your site URL to inspect the issue. We’ve tested custom font downloaded from Google Fonts and it seems to be working.

    Plugin Author DaanvandenBergh


    @themifyme Maybe there’s something you can help me out with.

    OMGF uses an output buffer on the template_redirect action to capture the HTML and parse it for Google Fonts.

    However, when it parses the HTML, the concatenated CSS stylesheet containing the Google Fonts isn’t present. So, could you point me to the part of your code where this stylesheet is added to the HTML?

    That way I could come up with a compatibility fix.

    @daanvandenbergh, yep, and we often have the problem with themify themes that the concatenated css is still active even if it’s deactivated in the backend & the caches are cleared, also, when no additional caching is active. :/

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Ann.

    @themifyme but this 3rd party plugin here gives much more comfort than manually downloading & uploading the current version of fonts. ??

    Sadly after years of working with themify & reading in your forums it seems to me that you’re fast in discussing 3rd party stuff away & pointing on it, but don’t like to hear about (recurring) problems themify seems to cause (sometimes long-lasting) in so much different WP & server configurations & development conditions from naked WP on small websites without tons of plugins & any other caches to long-running huge websites.

    I work with themify because sometimes I have to – if it was my decision, themify would rarely be my choice compared to Divi, for example.

    Plugin Author DaanvandenBergh


    Hey guys,

    I can confirm it’s a bug in OMGF’s remove resource hints mechanism.

    Themify inserts it’s concatenated CSS, along with a bunch of preloads, at the top of the HTML document (even before the <title> element) which is unusual, and that’s what’s throwing off the Regex in OMGF’s HTML parser.

    I’m working on a fix, and I’ll post a beta here, as soon as it’s done. Since yesterday evening I’m suddenly very nauseous, so I’m lifting this task over the weekend.

    Sorry for the delay.

    Thread Starter Pixelbart


    Hey Daan,

    from my side there is no hurry. Take as much time as you need. Get on your feet first, then the rest will go on.

    Get well soon and have a nice weekend!

    Greetings Kevin

    Daan, get well soon, that’s much more important! ??
    Thank you for all YOUR work on this awesome free piece of a plugin which simplifies OUR daily work a lot. ??

    Plugin Author DaanvandenBergh


    Hi guys,

    I just released an update for OMGF that’ll fix the Themify pages from breaking.

    However, OMGF won’t be able to detect the fonts provided by Themify, since they’re located inside a stylesheet. So, while you should now be able to safely use OMGF together with Themify, OMGF Pro is required to detect the fonts.

    I’ve also updated OMGF Pro to add support for Themify. They basically mimic the Google Fonts API and include @font-face statements for each subset of the same font style.

    Anyway, sorry to keep you waiting, thank you for patience, and hopefully these updates will resolve the issues you’re having.

    Let me know how it goes!

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