I’m afraid WassUp is designed to do the opposite..that is, track everything except for some pages(urls) listed in Options->Filters & Exclusions >> Exclude by URL request.
That said, theoretically you could do it with a hack of your WordPress theme footer.php file. If you are familiar with coding, here’s how:
- disable statistics recording in Wassup >>Options >>General Setup tab and save
- edit your themes footer.php file and add this code near the bottom:
if( function_exists('wassupAppend') ){ //Wassup is installed
global $wassup_options;
$current_page_id = get_queried_object_id();
if( in_array($current_page_id, array(101,102,103,104)) ){
$wassup_options->wassup_active=1; //enable tracking
$wassup_options->wassup_active=0; //disable tracking
Replace the array numbers shown with the post_ids of the pages/posts you want Wassup to track. You can add more post-ids, but make sure that there is a comma between each number.
Be warned, though, this hack might not work and editing code risks breaking your site.