• Hi!

    Been using your plugin for a while and it’s perfect.

    My client is a mobile barber and he’s going part time. His new job means he works 4 days on and 4 days off throughout the year. He intends to open up booking for the 4 days that he has off from his new job.

    I know I can manually add all the holiday dates for when he’s working, but is there any way of recurring this?

    Best wishes


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ukbestrong.
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  • I dont think there is. We have the same issue as we open up for additional days on an adhoc basis, and I have to manually use a combination of the booking rules and holidays to get what I want.
    Eg, we are closed normally on a wed/thur, but want to open next week on these days only, so i have a rule set for the open hours on those days, then I have to set the holdays for the following few weeks so that no-one can book these days a few weeks ahead.

    I think you are best just setting all days as open in rules, then lock out the closed days as hols. Note that they show as red days on the front end.

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