I shouldn’t have looked at that site. Now I’m in the mood for ice cream…
Anyway, not easily. What’s happening is the html elements of the page are loading then some javascript is taking the elements and resizing them for the slider. Javascript can’t run on elements that haven’t already been loaded.
The elements could be loaded, but hidden, then resized and displayed with javascript which would make the whole process more seamless looking. This would require mucking around with the code though and would probably take way more time than it’s worth.
Your page size is also 10mb which is pretty large. If you can reduce the page size significantly it would load faster and the growing images in the slider probably wouldn’t be as noticeable.
I think you have way too many images in the slider as well. Empty chairs and tables? Why? Random video of employees scrubbing equipment? That one of the three cones is great though. Personally I’d get rid of the slider and keep the cones. Makes me want to get ice cream like now, looks good, gets everything across. Just IMHO.
You could try another slider too. Thing with sliders is though, clients love ’em, users hate them.