• Hi,

    When the Twenty Twenty Two theme is updated, what happens with the customizations from the Site Editor (Beta), particularly changed templates and template parts?
    Will they be kept?

    It seems to me, the FSE editor will replace the customizer and the need for child themes.

    Please confirm positively, if customizations are kept on updates. Thanks.


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by nmschaller.
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  • From what I understand, any changes you make in the Editor would be saved upon updates. However, if you were to directly edit your theme.json file to do something like customize the palette colors, then that would be overwritten in any updates. If you do want to directly edit your theme.json file I would suggest making a child theme.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by danquigley.

    @nmschaller – I can vouch for what @danquigley says – any adjustments in the Customiser remain when the theme is updated – including CSS.

    HOWEVER – I’ve also read that WordPress intends to ditch the Customiser altogether soon. That’s a potential no-no for our operation. I don’t feel inclined to go back to child themes.

    @andynick, I am not talking about the WordPress “Customizer”. I’m talking about making edits in the new WordPress Editor (beta). The WordPress Editor (beta) does not have a space to adjust CSS as far as I know.

    If you want to make custom CSS for Twenty Twenty-Two I would suggest getting an additional CSS plugin, or you can create a child theme with its own style.css file and edit that directly.

    As you mentioned the “Customizer” is on its way out the door. It still exists in Twenty Twenty-Two but is difficult to find for that reason. I would not suggest going there to make custom CSS>

    Or on the other hand, if as many people as possible make use of it, maybe those in control of WP will see the need for individual customisation…

    I don’t think “Customizer – Additional CSS” is going to be removed, I think it’s going to be replaced. They just don’t know how or where yet. That’s why you can still access it for now.

    See this thread on Slack.

    In my opinion, creating a child theme just to be able to enqueue your own style.css would be extremely inefficient and the continued use of “Customizer – Additional CSS” is safe and going to stay in some form otherwise it would have been removed already.


    @domainsupport thanks for sharing. I see your point. And to that, there are still plenty of themes that are not FSE. They will most likely support the Customizer for a while. I suppose we will see what they do with it.

    If you are just making CSS changes then the Customizer is still an option. Correct me if I’m wrong, if you are going to make changes to your theme.json file to customize the Editor, then you would still want to do a child theme?

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