@troubadorr Please do NOT piggy back topics open your own. It makes keeping things in order difficult. Your site appears to be working. I added an iten to the cart entered my info and was directed to paypal https://dl.dropbox.com/u/151891/screenshots/2014-12-06_1715.png
@awhite8002 I can only assume your site is spitpermit.com? You never replied with your site URL.
If this file wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php is not in this path wp-content/themes/vigilance/
1. Are you using a cahce plugin? If you are delete the cache
2. Got to your WordPress admin Click SETTINGS > STORE > PRESENTATION find the button on this page that is labeled “Clear Theme Cache” click this.
It also appears you’ve made changes to the checkout form that may be causing some problems.
If you continue to have problems You might want to open a support topic and have someone assist you directly.