• Maybe this feature is available and I haven’t noticed it yet (completely possible, I’ve been too busy to fiddle around with WP), but what I’d love is the ability to have some sort of browser add on where all I have to do is click a button to add a new blog or site to my link list. It’s a feature that I loved with blogrolling.com. Just a suggestion… If there’s anything like that already, could someone please point me in the right direction?

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  • Go to “Add Link” in admin and scroll to the bottom. You’ll find a “Link This” bookmarklet that you can drag to your toolbar. The description says it only works in Mozilla or Netscape, but I’ve just used it on IE6….

    I use Firefox 1.0PF, and whenever I use the “Link This” bookmarklet it puts the page’s address in the URI field as this: http%3A//www.wherever.com/ – not sure if it’s a mozilla bug or what. I’ve asked for some help in another post, but no one has given a shot at it.



    I’ve run into the same problem with http3A, as well as other characters in a given URL (spaces in titles, etc) changing to a code. I have asked the question before, but nobody seems to have an answer. I’m using utf-8 (as recommended) on my site Options page, yet I get this error.

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