Thanks for your message. Vik Booking fully supports shared rooms, and although you may need to override some default language translations (“Rooms” to “Beds”), all you need to do is to basically treat the room-units as if they were beds.
You should create just one room-type in Vik Booking called for example “Large Room”, set a total number of units to 32 to indicate the total number of beds, and then define a proper capacity for the room so that it only allows one person per room-unit (one person per bed). Therefore, your room should allow a minimum and maximum number of adults/guests equal to 1.
Yours is a common configuration among hostels that work with shared rooms. The goal is to let your guests understand that they will be booking beds rather than rooms, and from the Search Parameters in the Configuration page you can allow to book up to a maximum of 32 “rooms” (beds) per booking so that guests could book multiple beds with one single reservation in case it’s a family.
This is the configuration that all our clients implement in case of hostels, and it’s fully compliant with our complementary Channel Manager service which is also certified by one of the largest OTAs for hostels (Hostelworld).
You should try this configuration on any testing website by installing Vik Booking.
We hope this helps!
The VikWP Team